- He wiped a dribble of milk from his chin with a handkerchief. 他用手帕擦去淌在下巴上的一点牛奶。
- There's only a dribble of coffee left, I'm afraid. 看来只剩下一点点咖啡了。
- Charging tanks put the infantry to rout. 进攻的坦克使步兵溃不成军。
- An error made by a judge in charging a jury. 错误指示法官给陪审团的错误指示
- Did you see Percy charging the ball down just then? 你们看见了没有,珀西当时用身体挡住了球?
- dribble charging n. 带球撞人
- Now the ref is placing the ball forward's dribble. 现在,他们的右辅正在盘球前进。
- Fallen riders were trampled underfoot by the charging horses. 摔下来的骑手遭飞奔马群践踏。
- Dribble the oil into the beaten egg yolks. 往打匀的蛋黄里一滴滴加油.
- He wiped a dribble of saliva from his chin. 他擦掉了下巴上的几滴口水。
- Do not dribble too far, pass it! 别运球太远,传递它!
- Dribble a little olive oil over the salad. 在色拉上面滴点橄榄油。
- There was dribble all down the baby's front. 这婴儿胸前淌满了口水。
- He advised against charging a higher price. 他建议不要索取更高的价钱。
- Why don't you work on your dribble? 你何不去练习一下你的运球呢?
- Circle right circle left dribble. 绕右圈绕左圈运球。
- There's only a dribble of coffee left,i'm...raid. 看来只剩下一点点咖啡了.
- Now the ref.is placing the ball forward's dribble. 现在,他们的右辅正在盘球前进。
- When charging, batteries rouses as the balloon. 充电的时候电池鼓的跟气球一样。
- There's only a dribble of coffee left,I'm afraid. 看来只剩下一点点咖啡了。