- Guevara's, let her stay rent free because she was down on her luck and she promised to teach him Russian. 从前的房主也是格瓦拉的朋友之一让她免费租住,因为她运气不好,而且她答应教他俄语。
- Her hair hung down on her shoulders. 她的头发披在肩上。
- John got down on her for some little thing or other. 约翰为了一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事对她产生了厌恶。
- The little girl went down on her knees and put her doll to bed. 小女孩跪了下来把洋娃娃放到床上。
- The large ship, the Titanic with2,207 people went down on her maiden voyage. 装载2,207人的大船--泰坦尼克号首航就沉入海底。
- She lay down on her bed for half an hour. 她在床上躺了约半小时。
- But she went down on her maiden voyage. 但她做处女航时,就沉了。
- Tears run down his face, dropping down on her hair. 他的眼霎时湿漉漉了,两串珍珠似的东西滴在妻的秀发上。
- She changed me with looking down on her. 她指责我蔑视她。
- Then she got down on her knees beside his foot. 跟着,她在他脚边跪了下来。
- Steel-rimmed glasses rode down on her nose. 她鼻梁上架着一副钢丝边眼镜。
- Her braids hung down on her shoulders. 她的辫子下垂到肩头。
- Tears rained down on her cheeks. 她泪如雨下。
- She went down on her knees, pleading for mercy. 她双膝跪下, 乞求谅解。
- The teacher came down on her for talking in class. 由於上课时讲话,老师严厉地批评了她。
- Two black plaits hung down on her back. 她两根黑黑的辫子垂在背上。
- She got down on her knees to beg for mercy. 她双膝跪下,祈求原谅。
- down on her luck adj. 倒霉的(不走运的;处境困难的)
- Her luck seems to have taken an upturn. 她似乎时来运转了。
- The mother is jumping her baby up and down on her knees. 那位母亲正把她的小孩放在膝上上下颠动着。