- We always do a land office business at this time of year. 每年这个时候我们的生意做得都很大。
- This snack bar was doing a land office business on its first day. 这家快餐店第一天开张就生意兴
- done a land office business v. 顾客盈门(生意兴隆)
- do a land office business vi. 顾客盈门(生意兴隆)
- did a land office business v. 顾客盈门(生意兴隆)
- We've done a lot of business with Hungary. 我们和匈牙利之间有很多贸易。
- He was a shy, coddled child, the son of a land officer. 这名深受溺爱的国土管理官员之子儿时曾颇为腼腆。
- The town of Loveland, Colorado, does a large post office business around February 14. 情人节的来历和意义可能并不一定为大多数人所知。
- If in a land office you stumble upon an old grid that uses 20/11 meters per unit, that is the so called Cadastral coordinates. 若在地政事务所看到以六台尺为单位之老座标,就是所谓的地籍座标。
- The land developer do a lot of under-the-table wheel and dealing. 那个土地开发投资人干了很多非法的交易。
- The lazy boy has not done a stroke of work all day. 这懒小子一整天一点事都没干。
- The cashier has done a bunk with the day's takings. 出纳员携带该日营业收入逃走了。
- Alfred has done a stretch in Chelmsford Prison. 艾乐弗雷德已在切姆斯福特监狱服过刑。
- The two continents were connected by a land mass at one time. 这两个大陆曾经由一大片陆地连接着。
- The lazy woman wouldn't do a stitch of work. 这懒女人一点事都不愿做。
- Many Mexicans regard the United States as a land of milk and honey. 许多墨西哥人把美国看成是一片乐土。
- The commercial carrier is doing a lively business. 那家商务运输公司业务繁忙。
- This enterprise is doing a good business. 这家企业生意兴隆。
- We will do a Chemistry experiment this Friday. 这个周五我们要做化学试验。
- What do a landing plane, a baking cake, a cooling tower and sweetened tea have in common? They all involve a transfer of momentum, heat or mass. 一架着陆的飞机、一个正在烘烤之中的糕点、一座冷却塔和一杯加糖的茶,它们都有什么共同点?它们全都包含有动量、热量和质量传递。