- diabolus ex machina 恶魔(为交代情节而在故事中出现的坏人坏事)
- Monnet had chosen America as the deus ex machina that would propel Europe toward unity. 莫内选中美国来充当推动欧洲联合的鬼使神差。
- Reversion thus requires a deus ex machina in the form ofsome superrational investor (Warren Buffett, maybe? 所以,恢复原状态则需要一些超级理性的投资人(也许巴菲特?)
- Beijing is frantically searching for a magic formula, a meteorological deus ex machina, to clear its skies for the 2008 Olympics. 北京政府正不惜一切代价为2008年奥运会寻找净化天空改善环境的方法。
- Mr Brown is understood not to regard the political bail-out he has enjoyed as a transient blip that owes everything to the deus ex machina of the banking crisis. 布朗先生没有把其津津乐道的政治援助视为把所有都归功于银行业危机突破重围的转折点。
- Certain events first appear as images within Donnie's eye, described as deus ex machina by director Richard Kelly in the audio commentary for the Director's Cut. 故事以时空问题挂帅。说一个有梦游的青年,一晚在睡梦中听到声音叫他起床,他就照做了。
- For example, with this household project, he looked around once and remarked, “This really turned out well.” As if some deus ex machina had wrought these changes overnight. 例如,在这次家庭计划中,有一次他四周看了看,然后说:”这真算圆满完成“就好像某神灵下凡一日之间带来了这些变化。
- ” As if some deus ex machina had wrought these changes overnight. 就好像某神灵下凡,一夜之间带来了这些变化。
- No one can alter the fact, ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- diabolus ex machine 解围的凶神; 关键邪恶人物
- My ex shares custody of the children. 我原先的配偶分担照顾孩子的责任。
- Monnet had chosen America as the deus ex machina that would propel Europe toward unity 莫内选中美国来充当推动欧洲联合的鬼使神差。
- a drug cartel, some cockroaches and a happy ending complete with deus ex machina. 几场刑求戏,一个贩毒集团,几只蟑螂以及圆满的大结局,连机器神都不缺。
- The famous poet was often asked to compose a poem ex tempore. 这位著名的诗人常被邀请即席赋诗。
- deus ex machina n. 解围的人或事件
- The contract was ex facie satisfactory. 该合同从表面看来是令人满意的。
- You must not believe an ex parte statement. 你不能相信片面之词。
- No one can alter the fact,ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- Protects exposed machina tools parts from corrosion. 保护切削工具显露部分;免受腐蚀.
- EX: I was awakened by a frightful clap of thunder. 例:我被一声可怕的雷声惊醒。