- Do Local Airlines Have Their Developing Space? 地方航空公司还有发展空间吗?
- This one mode has vaster development space. 这一模式拥有更广阔的发展空间。”
- It will bring a broad developing space for them to take information push services by adopting push technology. 图书情报机构采用信息推送技术开展信息推送服务,给其带了更大的发展空间。
- So,mineral sciences has a huge developing space and very bright developing prospects. 因此,矿物科学具有巨大的发展空间和十分光明的发展前景。
- There is a big developing space for the long steel products in the steel product remarket in China. 在中国的钢铁市场上钢的长线产品有一个巨大的发展空间。
- You can have LEROY-SOMER worldwide resource and developing space, by joining LEROY-SOMER. 选择成为利莱森玛职员,您将会获得艾默生及利莱森玛世界范围的资源与发展。
- Fresco, as part of architecture, faces unexpected developing space, but new issues come into being. 另外,壁画发展和实践的历史也同时证实壁画概念的变化是随时代的变化而发展。
- Striving for superexcellent technology-oriented for over 7-year, Tencent keep steady developing space in high speed. 成立7年多以来,腾讯一直以追求卓越的技术为导向,始终处于稳健、高速发展的状态。
- "No land, economic development space will be greatly devalued. “没有土地,发展经济的空间就会大打折扣。”
- We trust people, empower them and provide developing space, that is why EDG can develop so fast. 康新发展如此之快,正是因为我们相信每个人的能力,给予所有人平等发展的空间。
- Cellular Neural Network (CNN) is a parallel processor. In the erea of image processing, the CNN has a broad developing space. 细胞神经网络(CNN)是一种并行处理器,在图像处理上有很大的发展空间。
- Information ethics is a new rising interdiscipline that is composed by multidisciplinary intersecting and fusing and has extensive developing space. 信息伦理学是一门由多学科相互交叉、融合且具有广泛发展空间的新兴交叉科学。
- Hybrid Electric Vehicles have a very prominent effect on saving energy and lowing emission, and have a wide developing space in the future. 摘要混合动力汽车节能降排的效果非常显著,具有广阔的发展前景。
- Anyhow, Gold East Paper Co., Ltd. should have existing and developing space both in direct and indirect channel in order to be the dominator of market. 总之,为成为市场主导者,金东纸业公司应在直接渠道和间接渠道两种模式上都应有生存和发展的空间。
- More and more Chinese young people have seen the developing space in Pakistan, and one more thing we do concern about is the security issues. 越来越多的中国年轻人看到了巴基斯坦的发展空间,有一件事情是大家比较关注的:关于安全的问题。
- Our company will provide the candidate a capacious develop space, favorable job training, and competitive salary. 公司将提供较大的发展空间,良好的在职培训,富有竞争力的薪资水平。
- But the other nations rapidly developing space programmes may shed the constraint, as could the commercial companies that may supplant national efforts. 但是其他国家迅速发展的空间计划可能已突破了该限制,那些可能取代国家角色的商业公司也许亦然。
- Japan's foreign minister (Hirofumi Nakasone) said North Korea will have the right to develop space technology after it gives up its nuclear program. 日本外交大臣说,北韩放弃其核项目后,就有发展空间技术的权利。
- Autoclaved aeratedconcrete (AAC) is a new building material with great developing space, and AACload bearing block structural system is hopeful in multistory building. 蒸压加气混凝土不以粘土为原料,是一种很有发展前途的新型建筑材料。
- Software development. Developer testing extends the idea of automated software quality into the Developer space. 开发人员测试将自动软体品质扩展到了开发人员范畴。