- depth charge tail 深水炸弹弹尾
- Our submarine was attacked by the enemy's depth charge. 我方潜艇遭到了敌军深水炸弹的袭击。
- After the depth charge exploded the submarine broached, then quickly sank. 深水炸弹轰炸潜艇后,潜艇冒出水面,然后很快下沉了。
- Depth charge: or depth bomb; Weapon used by ships or aircraft to attack submerged submarines. 深水炸弹:由水面上船只或飞机攻击水底潜艇之武器。
- Depth charges are an effective way to protect against submarines. 深水炸弹是对抗潜水艇的一种有效的防御方式。
- Despite the Hedgehog's quickly delivered accuracy many captains showed a particular preference for the more powerful but less accurate depth charge. 尽管“刺猬”很快的交给了很多船长,并演示了其独特的更具威力的性能,但是却远不如深水炸弹准确。
- The Valiant offers a mix of direct fire and anti-submarine weaponry.The Valiant includes an Angler Torpedo Bay and a Smart Depth Charge launcher which can intercept and destroy enemy torpedoes. 无畏级战舰拥有一个潜艇攻击和反潜艇攻击武器组.;它包括了一个"钓鱼者"鱼雷发射器和一个用来阻拦并摧毁敌人鱼雷的全深度冲击发射器
- One of our shells managed to hit the sub's conning tower but the sub managed to submerge anyway.At that time our ship was able to pass directly over the sub for a depth charge attack. 我们的一发炮弹击中了日本潜艇的舰桥,但是潜艇还是下潜撤离,在这时我们在潜艇下潜处进行了一次深弹攻击。
- A small,fast,highly maneuverable warship armed with guns,torpedoes,depth charges,and guided missiles. 驱逐舰一种小型、快速、高度武装的战舰,装备着火炮、鱼雷、深水炸弹和制导导弹等
- A small, fast, highly maneuverable warship armed with guns, torpedoes, depth charges, and guided missiles. 驱逐舰一种小型、快速、高度武装的战舰,装备着火炮、鱼雷、深水炸弹和制导导弹等
- Atomic depth charges have a nuclear warhead and a vastly increased killing radius. 原子深水炸弹配备核子弹头,具有极大的攻击半径。
- Destroyers carry more depth charges than the other ships, so it's ideal in anti-sub warfare. 驱逐舰呆着比其他船更多的深水炸弹,在反潜艇战中很完美。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- HMAS Voyager had the honour on 13 June 1940 of being the first Australian ship to sink an enemy submarine when she scored a kill with gunfire and depth charges. 1940年6月13日,HMAS(澳大利亚海军)航海者号荣幸成为第一艘用舰炮和深水炸弹击沉敌方潜艇的澳大利亚军舰。
- Enterprise Nuclear Aircraft Carrier send many helicopters to search and downthrow a lot depth charges,but still no reply. “企业”号派出数架反潜直升机到处搜寻,并投下了多枚深水炸弹,但最终一无所获。
- Generally speaking, the electric car works with the accumulator cell in the depth charging and discharging active status. 一般来说,电动车用蓄电池多工作在深度充放电工作状态。
- Each bomb was small but together they created a dense explosive field that proved to be more accurate than depth charges. 每一枚炸弹虽然很小但是数量众多,形成了一个密集的爆炸区,这远比深水炸弹更加具有威力。
- This creature lives in the depth of the ocean. 这种生物生活在海洋深处。
- Some of the weaponry on board a destroyer; the keg-shaped objects are depth charges, the cylindrical ones are torpedoes. To the right are missiles launchers. 驱逐舰部分武器配备:滚筒状的是深水炸弹、圆管为鱼雷、右边是标准飞弹。
- Do they charge carriage by bulk? 他们是否按体积计算运费?