- Keywords tooth regeneration;dental root regeneration;bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells;ameloblast; 牙齿再生;牙根再生;骨髓间充质干细胞;成釉上皮细胞;
- dental root regeneration 牙根再生
- The root regeneration medium of shoot was: MB + IBA 2.0 mg/L + NAA 0.5 mg/L. 再生芽生根培养基确定为:MB+IBA2.;0mg/L+NAA0
- Objective: To analyze the relation ship between Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces and dental root surface caries. 目的:分析变形链球菌和放线菌与根面龋的关系。
- Effect of hormone on plantlet regeneration and studies of root regeneration culture of Eustoma sp. 激素对洋桔梗植株再生的影响及生根培养的研究。
- Mehl A,Folwaczny M,Haffner C,Hickel R.Bactericidal effects of 2.94 microns Er:YAG-laser radiation in dental root canals[J].J Endod,1999 Jul.,25(7):490-3. 徐春蓉;甘伟国;张民众等.;脉冲YAG激光对小儿耳鼻咽喉常见病治疗效果及其作用机理的探讨[J]
- Vermiculite was the optimum medium for Rieger Begonia micropropagation in vitro, the survive rate of the root regeneration plant was 93.8%. 蛭石是丽佳秋海棠试管苗最佳的驯化移栽基质;其生根苗移栽成活率达到了93.;8%25。
- What reason is when coming up against dental root ministry every time, feeling the tooth is very acerbity? How should treat? 每次碰到牙齿根部时都感到牙齿很酸是什么原因?应该怎么治疗?
- CONCLUSIONS: DPSCs may exist in both dental root and coronal pulp, and the density of DPSCs in the root pulp may be higher than the coronal pulp. 结论:牙稳干细胞可能存在于全部牙髓之中,在根髓中比冠髓中具有更高的密度。
- Besides, auxins influnced the aerial root regeneration, with the concentration increased, the ration of aerial root on total numbers also increased. 此外,生长素还影响根的向性,高浓度生长素利于气生根发生,随生长素浓度增大,气生根占总根数的比率增大。
- The results indicated NAA,IBA,LAA all can promote root regeneration differentiation in MS or 1/2MS culture medium,respectively with 0.1mg/L NAA most effective. 结果表明 ,在MS或 1 / 2MS培养基中添加生长素类物质NAA、IBA、IAA可以增加试管苗根的分化率和根数 ,以浓度 0 1mg/L的NAA效果最优。
- Figure1 The performance of the X-ray is the destruction of the left mandible bone, and shows no dental root resorption, no bone line or periosteal reaction. 图1,患者术前曲面断层的表现,可见左下颌骨部分骨质破环,未见明显骨白线和牙根吸收、骨膜反应。
- In addition, the rate of dental root fistula resolution was 34.8% in ITG and 15.4% in DTG (P<0.05), and that of swelling incidence was 5.6% in ITG and 6.8% in DTG (P>0.05), respectively. 肿胀发生率一次程为5.;6%25;多次程为6
- This experiments studies on the changes of plant endogenous hormones of different alfalfa cultivars with different root regeneration ability(RRA)before and after their taproot were pruned. 研究根系发育能力不同的苜蓿品种在主根受伤后内源激素的变化。
- Methods:Primary dental root canal was simulated with silica gel tubes, one end sealed and the other end open. The tubes were filled Zinc-Oxide-Eugenol(ZOE), Ca(OH) 2 and iodoform respectively with sterile conditions. 方法 :以一端封闭 ,另一端开放的硅胶管模拟乳牙根管 ,无菌条件下分别充填氧化锌丁香油糊剂 ,氢氧化钙糊剂和碘仿糊剂。
- This experiments studies on the changes of plant endogenous hormones of different alfalfa cultivars with different root regeneration ability (RRA) before and after their taproot were pruned. 摘要研究根系发育能力不同的苜蓿品种在主根受伤后内源激素的变化。
- Abstract: This experiments studies on the changes of plant endogenous hormones of different alfalfa cultivars with different root regeneration ability(RRA)before and after their taproot were pruned. 摘 要: 研究根系发育能力不同的苜蓿品种在主根受伤后内源激素的变化。
- When a traditional method is used to repair residual dental root with horn-shaped orifice, this kind of dental root often has to be extracted since the success rate in clinic is very low. 根管口呈喇叭形的残根用传统桩核修复时,常由于剪力集中在颈部和根尖,使得根管口薄壁不能承受较大的压力,在临床上因修复成功率较低,只能将牙根拔除。
- Dental root canal filling pluggers 牙科用根管充填器
- Dental root canal finger pluggers 牙科用根管指状充填器