- decorative plate coversheeting 装饰板贴面
- Roulette of decorative plate glass production. 装饰用平板玻璃生产所使用的模压辊。
- This paper presents a method of opening the sunn felt rim leftover from the production of the decorative plate used in the automobile. 本文提出一种汽车内装饰板加工中产生的边角料的开松方法,以解决此类边角料的处理难题,所得麻纤维能满足制毡要求。
- Lu:su composite panels, aluminum ceilings, decorative plate manufacture, marketing; Decorative materials, building materials (both are free of dangerous chemicals) wholesale, retail; General cargo road transport (road test license to operate). 铝塑复合板、铝天花板、装饰板材制造、销售;装饰材料、建筑材料(以上两项均不含危险化学品)批发、零售;普通货物道路运输(须持道路经营许可证经营)。
- Compound technology for summer sleeping bamboo mat carbon cloth and bamboo-made furniture decorative plates. 竹凉席碳布复合技术,竹制家具装饰板材技术。
- Above the bench were shelves supporting decorative plates in wire stands, a Charles and Diana mug (more mugs! 在长凳上方是一排架子,摆着那些装饰用的盘子,一个印着查尔斯和黛安娜像的杯子(又是杯子!)
- It is mainly used to produce the plastics door and windows profiles,the plastics decorative plates and PVC foaming profiles. 该生产线主要生产塑料门窗型材、塑料装饰板材、PVC发泡异型材等塑料制品。
- Beauty products are the main-licensing particleboard, decorative plates, blockboard and other three major categories of 27 specifications. 公司产品主要有美人松牌刨花板、装饰板、细木工板等三大类共27种规格。
- The main processing Paulownia selling a variety of high-quality puzzle, furniture components, Glulam and decorative plates. 主要加工销售各种优质桐木拼板、家具部件、集成材和装饰用板材。
- microcrystalline glass decorative plate 微晶玻璃装饰板
- Keywords albite;glass-ceramics;decorative plate; 关键词钠长石;微晶玻璃;装饰板;
- It can be used for making stair railling,sealing stripes for furniture,decoration plate etc. 适用现代楼梯扶手、家具封边条,装饰板材等多项领域。
- The series of products are: One step thick plastic and wood decoration plate extrusion machine, plastic and wood palletizing machine and different kinds of plastic and wood dies. 该系列产品是:一步厚的塑料和木质装饰板挤出机,塑料和木材堆垛机和各种不同的塑料和木材死亡。
- Besides the league's television ratings and attendance records,the league derives about 20% of its revenue from licensing fees for NBA merchandise,which includes everything from "official" caps,shirts,jerseys,and jackets to decorative plates. 除了NBA的电视收视率和不断创记录的观众人数之外,NBA还从商品销售的执照费中取得20%25的收益,商品的种类真是包罗万象,从NBA的帽子、衬衫、运动衫和夹克衫到装饰用的盘子。
- He only put a bit on his plate to make fashion. 他只是拨了一点食物到盘子里做做样子。
- Visually, the decor was very striking. 这个房间的装饰看上去非常醒目。
- Besides the league's television ratings and attendance records, the league derives about 20% of its revenue from licensing fees for NBA merchandise, which includes everything from "official" caps, shirts, jerseys, and jackets to decorative plates. 除了nba的电视收视率和不断创记录的观众人数之外,nba还从商品销售的执照费中取得20%25的收益,商品的种类真是包罗万象,从nba的帽子、衬衫、运动衫和夹克衫到装饰用的盘子。
- The number shall be cut in on a plate. 号码将雕刻在一块金属板上。
- I hid the broken plate behind the table. 我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。
- A decorative container for a plant or small tree. 培植器皿,花架容纳植物或小树的装饰性容器