- Evening dress is de rigueur at the Casino. 在赌博娱乐场要穿晚礼服。
- Cellular phones are "de rigueur". 携带式活动电话是“习惯上所必需的。”
- Brooches were also de rigueur in all three cities. 饰针在这3个城市中也是不可或缺的装饰物。
- So, forget the fact English is de rigueur. 因此,别管英文是必备工具的这个事实。
- Cellular phones are " de rigueur ". 携带式活动电话是“习惯上所必需的。”
- Ottoman styles and cuisine are increasingly de rigueur. 奥斯曼时代的音乐风格也日益成为社交场合的主旋律。
- Thus, crime is common, apathy is de rigueur, and cynicism is rampant. 从而,罪恶变得没什么大不了,冷漠变成社交需要,而玩世不恭成了每个人的生活态度。
- What seemed like mission impossible two years ago is now de rigueur. 这在两年前似乎不可能完成的任务现在是很平常的了。
- Shoes are now becoming de rigueur at protests in Iraq and other countries. 在伊拉克和其他国家,鞋子目前已经成为抗议活动中的一项礼仪性物品。
- The internal audit process is de rigueur for ISO management systems. 内审过程对ISO管理体系的重要内容。
- The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigueur when the Scots play the Great Highland bagpipes, especially when they march in parades. 苏格兰传统的褶裙按照礼节是应该在苏格兰人演奏著名的高地风笛时穿的,尤其是列队前进的时候。
- Thus I didn't expect the hick-town warm beer treatment that's de rigueur for much of the city. 但是我不希望喝到乡村饭店里的啤酒,这些低劣的啤酒在这个城市(指上海)实在太多了。
- Of course, in this most political of diseases, political correctness is de rigueur, so it is not put quite like that. 当然,这是个和政治息息相关的传染病,政治上的合乎时宜是必要的,所以真实的情况未必就是如所言这般的。
- As interest soars in crafts and home improvement, customizing clothes will become de rigueur. 人们对手工工艺和家庭式的服装加工店越来越亲睐,因此量身定做服装将再次成为时尚。
- But since techies have taken over the world, technopreneur chic has suddenly become de rigueur. 而现在随着科技人员的一统天下,时尚也突然变得惟科技业界马首是瞻。
- Bedrooms with en suite bathrooms are now de rigueur, as are study areas where you can eat, drinkwork at the same time. 如今,套房式的学生宿舍应运而生,吃喝工作同步进行。
- On social occasions when it is de rigueur to seem cheerful the necessary demeanor is stimulated by alcohol. 在按照礼仪需要兴高采烈的社交场合,这种必要的礼仪却是靠酒精激发的。
- He has no qualms about ordering wine or soft drinks instead of Korea's fiery spirits, de rigueur among the old guard. 就餐时,他们会点葡萄酒或软饮料,而不是保守派认为依照礼节必点的韩国烈酒,且不会为此感到不安。
- Old-school congresses with waves of clapping delegates are still de rigueur, as are the stars and hammers and sickles. 受到一波又一波掌声的老派代表大会仍然适用,就如同五角星,锤子和镰刀。
- The reunion dinner,eaten on New Year's Eve,was de rigueur,with members of the extended family gathering for the most significant meal of the year. 对于华人来说,除夕夜的团圆饭是整个年头里最具意义的一餐。