- The police have compiled a list of suspects. 警方已编制了涉嫌者名单。
- cure of suspects' thought 罪犯心理矫治
- The police rounded up a number of suspects. 警察逮捕了几名嫌疑犯。
- The doctor devoted himself to the cure of cancer . 这名医生把自己奉献于癌症的治疗上。
- The doctor devoted himself to the cure of cancer. 这名医生把自己奉献于癌症的治疗上。
- They had nothing that could cure of his disease. 他们没有一点能治愈他疾病的东西了。
- The doctor devotes himself to the cure of cancer. 这位医生致力于治疗癌症的研究。
- Dr. Wang devoted himself to the cure of cancer. 王医生致力于癌症的治疗。
- A number of suspects were rounded up and questioned. 若干嫌疑犯被捕并受到审问。
- Of or relating to the cure of disease. 治疗的治疗的或与治疗有关的。
- Thousands of suspects, military and civilian, were put to death. 上千名嫌疑犯,有军人也有平民,被处死。
- The cure of ammoniac candy and tenosynovitis? 氨糖与腱鞘炎的治疗?
- Acne, does the cure of whelk reach defence? ? ? 粉刺,青春痘的治疗及防御???
- The police have now narrowed down their list of suspects. 警方现已缩小了嫌疑犯人数的范围。
- The cure of digestibility ulcer? 消化性溃疡的治疗?
- He asked me to compile a list of suspects, however improbable. 他让我列出一个嫌犯名单,把可能不可能的人都列进去。
- Is cure of where of rigidity sex rachitis best? 强直性脊柱炎哪儿治疗最好?
- The cure of ulcer of gastric ` duodenum? 胃`十二指肠溃疡的治疗?
- The cure of disease of malign organization cell? 恶性组织细胞病的治疗?
- A number of suspects have been hauled in for questioning. 一批嫌疑犯被拘捕接受讯问。