- Mental disorders are common in big crowded cities. 在拥挤的大城市里,精神病是很普遍的。
- Guangzhou is a noisy and crowded city. 广州是一个喧闹和拥挤城市。
- Beyond him, ready to come on the stage, was the age of crowded cities and a restless, burgeoning vitality. 在他面前跃然行将登上舞台的是人口密集的都市和充满着不宁静的含苞欲放的活力时代。
- Now, crowded cities look toward the North with its open spaces and raw materials. 现在,拥挤的城市注意起有着开阔空间和丰富资源的北部。
- It definitely is a nice change from the polluted and crowded city. 毫无疑问,这是一个人们逃避污染、拥挤的城市生活,换个环境的好地方。
- It is important to parallel park in the crowded city. 在拥挤的城市,路边停车是很重要的。
- The roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city. 房子的屋顶重叠在这个拥挤的城市的上空。
- Admire the night colors in prosperous and crowded city of Jakarta! 欣赏夜的颜色,在繁荣和拥挤的城市雅加达!
- Mass transport may be the solution for crowded cities, but with this concept, personal needs can be satisfied without putting the environment in jeopardy. 大众运输可能是解决拥挤的城市,但这一概念,个人需要能够得到满足而不环境处于危险之中。
- Others are bold, such as electrifying more track (only a third of Britain's railway is electrified, low by Western standards) and building lines in crowded cities. 另一些则很大胆,比如使更多轨道电气化(目前只有三分之一的英国铁路实现电气化,低于欧洲标准),在人口密集的城市兴建新线路。
- In crowded cities, for example, thousands of auto mobiles, factories, and furnaces may add tons of pollutants to a small area of the atmosphere each day. 比如,在喧闹的城市里,数以千计的汽车、工厂和炉子每天都会向这个小地区排放许许多多的污染物。)
- It is easy to see why the use of heroin is so common in the crowded city slums and ghettos in America. 这就是为什么在美国城市中拥挤的贫民区和少数民族聚居的地区滥用海洛因比较普遍。
- This power reduction, in turn, allows Zenith's HDTV signal to use the channels that usually are empty in crowded city television markets. 这种功率减小转过来又能使齐尼思公司的高清晰度电视信号在拥挤的城市电视市场中利用那些通常空闲的频道。
- In the crowded city, there is performing a whirlwind driving competition between the frantic policemen and gangsters! 在拥挤的城市,有不良驾驶旋风之间的竞争疯狂的警察和黑社会!
- Guiyang embraced with forest is a crowded city,which makes the space of piazza too limited. 贵阳是个被森林环抱的城市,在这个拥挤的城市里,城市广场用地空间受到极大的限制。
- Small shop is crowded out by the big supermarket. 小商店受到大型超级市场不断排挤。
- He headed a crowd off from the wrong exit. 他上前阻止人群从错的出口出去。
- Were I given again a choice,I would still dedicate myself bravely to our future,walking off the bottom of this luxurious and crowded city and smiling off all weariness. 如果生活让我再选择一次,我依然会那般忙碌辛苦地在城市的繁华与逼仄之间,为我们的未来微笑勇敢地奔走。
- A crowd gathered at the scene of the fire. 许多人聚集在火灾现场。
- New York is among the largest cities in the world. 纽约是世界上最大的几座城市之一。