- The car crossed the border into another territory. 汽车越过边界,进入别国领土。
- In record time he crossed the border into Austria. 在记录时间他穿过了边界进入奥地利。
- Three American students vacationing in Finland, cross the border into Russia for fun of it. 三个美国学生在芬兰度假。出于好奇,他们穿过边境线进入了俄罗斯。
- US marines had crossed the border into Iraq from bases in Kuwait. 美国海军陆战队已离开科威特军营,跨过边界,进入伊拉克。
- cross the border into another territory 越过边界进入别国领土
- The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, crosses the border into India and is granted political asylum. 1959年的今天,第十四世达赖喇嘛穿过边界到达印度。
- Many Albanians crossed the border into Greece with little more than the clothes on their backs. 许多阿尔巴尼亚人越过边境线来到希腊,他们除了背包里的衣服,什么也没有。
- The Chinese government is rejecting Indian reports that its army crossed the border into India's Ladakh region in Jammu and Kashmir. 中国政府驳斥印度媒体指称中国军队越过边界进入印度查谟和克什米尔拉达克地区的报导。
- On election day, hundreds of men from Missouri crossed the border into Kansas.They voted illegally, and the pro-slavery candidate won. 在选举的那一天,数百名从密苏里州来的人越过边界进入了堪萨斯,他们非法地投票,因此,支持奴隶制的候选人获得了胜利。
- Qiao's grandfather, Zhu Qingjian, was born in1935 in Russia to a Russian Jew and Chinese man who had crossed the border into eastern Russia to work in photography there. 钱文澜的祖父,朱庆江于1935年出生在俄罗斯,他的母亲是一个俄罗斯犹太人,父亲是一个当年越过边境去苏联东部经营照相馆的中国人。
- Qiao's grandfather, Zhu Qingjian, was born in 1935 in Russia to a Russian Jew and Chinese man who had crossed the border into eastern Russia to work in photography there. 钱文澜的祖父,朱庆江于1935年出生在俄罗斯,他的母亲是一个俄罗斯犹太人,父亲是一个当年越过边境去苏联东部经营照相馆的中国人。
- Find a key, opened the door could cross the border. 找到钥匙后,打开门就可以过关了。
- Crossing the border into Canada was a two-minute process; the lone Canadian officer just checked out passports and inquired as to the length of our stay and destination. 越过边界进入加拿大是一个两分钟的过程;唯一的加拿大官员只是检查护照和询问的长度我们的住宿和目的地。
- When they heard of the gold discoveries in British Columbia, many crossed the border into Canada by moving overland through oregon or arriving by sea in Victoria. 当听说在不列颠哥伦比亚发现了金矿,很多人从陆路穿越俄勒冈州,过边境进入加拿大,或者乘船到达维多利亚港。
- South Korean television channel YTV said guards from the North crossed the border into Chinese territory to arrest two US journalists, quoting an official in Seoul. 韩国YTV电视台报道,一位首尔的官员称,朝鲜士兵跨过边境,在中国的领土上逮捕了两名美国记者。
- We passed the border into Mexico. 我们穿过边境进入了墨西哥
- We crossed the Mexican border into the USA. 我们穿过墨西哥边界进入美国境内。
- After spending the night in a medieval castle she crosses the border into Poland where she visits the historic city of Krakow.She ends her journey in Zakopane and the beautiful Tatras mountains. 在那儿,我们参观克拉考和奥许维兹两座历史悠久的著名古城,最后在扎科潘尼市和美丽的塔特拉斯山区结束旅程。
- Zimbabwean Zimbabwe faces a cholera there outbreak that also is threatens its neighbors.Many Zimbabweans has accuse the b in have crossed the border into South Africa for treatment. 津巴布韦爆发的霍乱会影响到周边邻国,许多津巴布韦民众逃亡到南非去寻求救助。
- Moving cross the borders Of My Secret Life. 在我秘密生活的边缘上游走。