- The flashover of contaminated insulators in HV and UHV system threatens the security of power transmission severely. 应用不同算法提取了高压绝缘子闪络过程中泄漏电流的分形特征。
- Clustering and Discriminating of Typical Characteristics of High Voltage Contaminated Insulator During Flashover 高压绝缘子污闪过程特征量的分类和判别
- Study of Flashover Characteristics of Artificial Contaminated Insulator under Lightning Impulse Voltage Superimposed on Power Frequency Voltage 人工污秽绝缘子工频下叠加雷电冲击的闪络特性研究
- The state of being contaminated. 被污染被污染的状态
- Not pure or clean; contaminated. 不纯洁或不干净的; 污染的
- contaminated insulator 污秽绝缘子
- Many residents were sickened by the contaminated water. 污染的水使很多居民生病了。
- Fresh water was at a premium after the reservoir was contaminated. 在水库被污染之后,清水便因稀而贵了。
- Don't be contaminated by bureaucratism. 不要沾染官僚主义作风。
- Springy and soft, wool is nature's best insulator. 柔软并且富有弹性,羊毛是大自然最好的保温材料。
- They drummed contaminated water and disposed of it. 他们把污水装桶并把它处理掉。
- A loose mulch acts on the surface as an insulator. 疏松的覆盖物在土壤表面起了隔热的作用。
- Ex:Contaminated food is not marketable. 例:已污染的食品不可出售。
- The river was contaminated with sewage. 这河水被污水污染了。
- Peel the insulator and waterdam from the door. 从车门上剥落绝缘垫和挡水器。
- Infected or contaminated with a contagious disease. 得了传染病的患有或被染上传染病的
- Suitable for a switch insulator. 适合用作开关绝缘体。
- Dry air is a good insulator, but sea water is not. 干燥空气是一种好绝缘物,海水则不是。
- Few substances can equal fur as an insulator. 作为绝缘体很少有其他材料能与动物皮毛相媲美。
- The rabbit becames contaminated. 跑兔装置已被污染。