- Welcome old and new customers to condescend to inquire and order. 品种多样,档次品质高,价格适中,欢迎新老客户垂询定购。
- Welcome the incoming telegram messenger, visit , condescend to inquire , order. 并多次被市质量技术监督局授予“质量信得过单位”称号。
- We cordially welcome friends of all circles to condescend to inquire and cooperate. We always at your service! 欢迎公安;边防干警和各界朋友莅临我厂考察指导;洽谈业务;我厂竭诚根据你的需求;提供精心优质的服务.
- In addition, dozens of copyright books are in the process of translating, welcome colleagues condescend to inquire. 另有大量版权图书正在翻译之中,欢迎同仁垂询。
- No matter when, it is what Merrill Lynch cares about that the customer cares about, welcome the incoming telegram to condescend to inquire. 无论何时,客户所关心的就是美林所关心的,欢迎来电垂询.
- The good faith that we are allotted so far with one hundred thousand is respectful welcome all walks of life friend presence , condescend to inquire about! 至此我们以十万分的诚意恭迎各界朋友光临、垂询!
- The extensive customer condescends to inquire about , patronizes be welcomed! 欢迎广大客户垂询、惠顾!
- He asked me to inquire after you. 他要我问候你。
- People called to inquire after the baby. 大家打电话来打听婴儿的情形。
- I do wish he wouldn't condescend to the junior staff in his department. 我但愿他不要假惺惺地纡尊降贵接近部门里的低级员工。
- And all sections of the people condescends to inquire about and discusses business be welcomed, wholeheartedly, go to the lavatory and serve for the customer provides everything. 欢迎各界人士垂询及洽谈业务,并竭诚为客户提供一切方便和服务。
- I don't condescend to boisterous displays of it. 我并不屈就于它热热闹闹的外表。
- She does not condescend to such little things. 她不屑理睬那种小事。
- The police decided to inquire into the events leading up to the accident. 警方决定对这起事故的肇事原因进行调查。
- He did not condescend to answer. 他不愿屈尊回答。
- I do not condescend to boisterous displays of it. 我并不屈就于它热热闹闹的外表。
- He had to inquire into the cause of the matter. 他不得不追问事情的根底。
- Will you condescend to argue with him? 你会屈尊和他一般见识吗?
- To condescend to give or grant; vouchsafe. 施惠于人;赐予
- Would you condescend to accompany me? 你肯屈尊陪我吗?