- There is a concentration of people in big cities. 大城市人口集中。
- For a fixed ratio of N flux to the total flux of elements B and C,the flux ratio of element B to C has little influence on the total growth rate,but it determines deposition rate and bulk concentration of elements B and C. 在N流量与B和C流量和之比为定值时,B和C的流量比对此影响甚小,但B和C元素的生长率及它们在化合物中的含量则主要由B和C的流量比决定
- Principles of element design II. 设计元素2。
- Choose the type of element from the list. 从列表中选择元素类型。
- You can add any type of element to it, not just. 对象,还可以添加任何类型的元素。
- What is the concentration of salt in sea water? 海水中盐的含量是多少?
- The concentrations of elements in the comet varies tremendously between particles. 元素在彗星颗粒间的集中有着极大的差别。
- S is the concentration of unpaired nucleotides. S是不配对的核苷酸的浓度。
- The concentration of ethylene is on the high side. 乙烯浓度偏高。
- This is a blend of element of the invade and recipient culture. 这是入侵文化和接受文化两种成分的融合。
- L-1 was the optimal spraying concentration of. L-1为最佳喷施浓度。
- Q: Does the testing need concentration of the mind? 问:测试时需要集中精神吗?
- They strongly recommended concentration of offer. 他们极力建议集中报盘。
- A heterogeneous, often incongruous mixture of elements. 混杂物有各种成份的、通常有不协调成份的混合物
- The exercises demand great concentration of mind. 这种练习要求全神贯注。
- The number of element declarations in the input buffer. 数据缓存中定义的数据元素个数。
- Having a high concentration of acid. 酸性的含高浓度酸的
- Different liquids, pure water and hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and aqua regia were tested with ICP-MS analysis to collect borehole nanoscale material, and concentrations of elements in varied liquids were determined. 摘要利用等离子体质谱技术,对已知矿区井下进行了纯水和不同浓度的盐酸、硝酸和王水等液态捕集剂的捕集吸附性能试验研究,获得了不同液态捕集剂中元素含量随浓度变化的规律。
- The adsorption percentage ratios of adsorptions and partitioning coefficients for trace metals in the Changjiang Estuary decease significantly with higher concentrations of elements. 固-液悬浮体系中微量金属浓度的提高不仅显著降低了微量金属在泥沙固相中的分配百分率,同时亦降低了微量金属在固-液两相之间的分配系数。
- The number of elements in a finite group. 次数一个有限群中的元素个数