- Come rain or shine,I'll see you on Friday. 不论晴雨,星期五我都会来看你的。
- We have an annual sponsored walk, come rain or shine! 我们有一个年度赞助步行,风雨无阻。
- Come rain or shine,you'll always find him in the library every Sunday. 每个星期天你都会发现他在图书馆里,风雨无阻。
- Come rain or shine,you'll always find him in the pub every Friday night. 每逢星期五晚上他都来酒店,风雨无阻。
- John has promised to come and see me again next week,come rain or shine. 约翰答应我,无论发生什么,他都会在下星期来看我。
- John has promised to come and see me again next week, come rain or shine. 约翰答应我,无论发生什么,他都会在下星期来看我。
- First, it's about health, this obsession to mall-walk at 6 a.m. come rain or shine. 我们每天无论晴雨,早晨6点到商场漫步的这份痴迷,首先是出于健康的目的。
- Ne come rain come shine rain or shine take a shine to sb sth I'll buy a house in the country when my ship comes in. 等我有钱时,我要在乡间买一所房子。
- For many decades,come rain or shine,through many obstacles and hardships,he earned his high level and deep undersanding of the internal martial arts the hard way;through his sweat. 数十年风雨日昼,严寒酷暑,废寝忘食,用辛勤与汗水炼就了深厚的功底,可谓工夫纯真。
- I know you are my best friend, rain or shine. 我知道你在任何情况下都是我最好的朋友。
- The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine. 游园义卖会定于星期日举行,风雨无阻。
- Rain or shine, the game will be held as scheduled. 不论下不下雨,比赛照常举行。
- I get up at five o'clock in the morning, rain or shine. 无论晴雨,我都是早上五点起床。
- rain or shine (e.g. it will be done come rain or shine) 风雨无阻
- I got up at five o'clock in the morning, rain or shine. 无论晴雨,我都是早上五点起床。
- He's always a reliable friend, rain or shine. 他是一位在任何情况下都可以信赖的朋友。
- The parade will start promptly rain or shine. 不管是天晴不是下雨,游行将立刻开始。
- The fete will take place on Sunday ,rain or shine . 庆祝定于星期日举行,风雨无阻。
- John is always a reliable friend,rain or shine. 无论在何种情况下,约翰都是一个可靠的朋友。
- We're going to Brighton on Sunday,rain or shine. 不管天气如何,我们星期天去布赖顿。