- coefficients histograms 直方图
- Tab displays histograms in a grid. 选项卡在网格中显示直方图。
- The thermostat is based on the fact that different metals have different coefficients of expansion. 恒温器是以不同的金属有不同的膨胀系数这一事实为根据的。
- New Histogram not made: define vectors first. 新的直方图没有制作:请先定义矢量。
- The number of bins in the Histogram. 直方图中的仓库数量。
- This gives the following on grouping like coefficients of X. 这样得出下面像x的系数一样数组。
- The frequency polygon is simpler than its histogram counterpart. 频率多边形比直方图更简单。
- Graphing, plotting, bar charts, pie charts and histograms. 注标, 密谋, 长条图, 圆形统计图表和直方图。
- The stoichiometric coefficients are pure numbers with no units. 化学计量系数是没有单位的纯数字。
- He did not hesitate to subtract terms with literal coefficients. 他毫不迟疑地进行了文字系数项的相减。
- Analogous coefficients are usually defined for the lift. 对于浮托力一般也能定义类似的系数。
- The quality of the histogram is very good now and no. 柱状图的特性很好,不期望一直保持。
- The pattern of the finite-difference coefficients is known. 有限差分系数的图式是已知的。
- The binomial coefficients are ubiquitous in Combinational Theory. 二项系数在组合论中有普遍的应用。
- In each case the image is first scaled and histogram normalized. 在每项技术中都要先将图像规格进行标准化处理。
- BMP image display, as well as the chart shows that the histogram. BMP图像的显示,以及显示出该图的直方图。
- Draw the corresponding frequency polygon over the histogram. 于直方图上绘出相应的频数多边形.
- Histogram, periodogram complete source code can be used directly. (译):直方图,周期完整的源代码可以直接使用。
- The coefficients from this analysis can be refined by iteration. 采用迭代法,可使从这一分析中求出的各个系数更趋精确。
- The X2 histogram match and grads method is used for shot detection. 首先用X2直方图匹配法检测镜头切换,梯度法检测镜头淡入淡出;