- The animals are kept in close confinement. 动物给严密地关了起来。
- It most commonly occurs in dogs in close confinement such as kennels. 该疾病常见于犬只挤堆的犬舍。
- He had learned from a young licentiate in law, an habitual frequenter of the courts, that Thenardier was in close confinement. 他从一个经常在法院接待室里走动的实习律师嘴里听到说德纳第已下了监狱。
- The magistrate had thought it advisable not to put one of these men of the band of Patron Minette in close confinement, in the hope that he would chatter. 裁判官觉得在猫老板匪帮那一伙中间,有一个人可以不坐牢,这样做有好处,希望能从他那里听到一点口风。
- It was in consequence of this laintive air that the magistrate had released him, thinking him more useful in the Charlemagne yard than in close confinement. 正因为这股憨气,裁判官才放了他,认为把他放在查理大帝院里比关在隔离牢房里会得用些。
- Penned or shut up; closely confined. 被关押的;被禁锢的
- "Jambo, my father," he said, looking somewhat uncomfortable, as usual, in the close confines of the rounded walls. “您好,我的父亲。”他向我打招呼。和往常一样,挤在狭窄的墙壁中间,他看上去有点不舒服,
- As always, Clarkson and the abolitionists were strictly accurate;the ship had once carried over 600 slaves in even closer confinement, but they did not want to be accused of exaggeration. 像往常一样,克拉克森与其他废奴主义者对精确性要求甚高,曾经在比这还要狭小的空间里曾经运送过600名奴隶,但是他们并不想应为夸张而被起诉。
- Her confinement was approaching. 她的分娩期临近了。
- When does she expect her confinement? 她预期何时分娩?
- She was sixteen and just at the age when her developing figure had reached a plump perfection. Her rounded breasts seemed to be bursting out of the close confines of her lace-edged white silk slip. 她那十六岁少女时代正当发育的体格显得异常圆匀,一对小馒头式的乳房隐伏在白色印度绸的衬裙内,却有小半部分露出在衬裙上端,将寸半阔的网状花边挺起,好像绷得紧紧似的。
- People say that the tiger is still lurk close to. 人们说那只老虎还躲在附近。
- Not in confinement or under constraint; free. 自由不受约束的或不受限制的; 自由的
- A deep or isolated place of confinement; a dungeon. 地牢,土牢深而隔离的拘留地; 地牢
- She is buying a flat close to her office. 她正在购买一套靠近她办公室的单元房。
- She's always been very close about her past life. 她对自己过去的生活一直守口如瓶。
- Astronomers usually assume that interstellar dust is closely confined to the galactic plane. 天文学家通常认为,恒星际星尘都是紧靠着银河平面的。
- For the umpteenth time close the door quietly. 我告诉过你好多次要轻轻地关门。
- That was a close call, the train nearly hit the car. 好险,火车差一点就撞上那部车子
- They intended to close out all their stock. 他们打算卖光所有的存货。