- classroom teaching culture 实践教学
- Teachers rule in classroom teaching. 在课堂教学中教师占主导地位。
- How to make classroom teaching more effective? 如何提高课堂教学有效性?
- This is intersubjectivity classroom teaching value pursuit. 这是主体间性课堂教学的价值追求。
- Chapter VI draws conclusions and answers the research question.That is: to teach culture via multimedia in EFL classroom is a more effective approach theoretically and experimentally. 第六章得出结论,即理论上和实践上在英语教学中通过多媒体手段进行文化教学是一种比传统讲授教学更有效的方法。
- A lot has been said about the importance of teaching culture in EFL learning. 在外语教学中导入文化因素的重要性已为越来越多从事外语教学与研究的人士所认识。
- This paper focuses on the issue of strategy training in FL classroom teaching. 本文旨在探究外语课堂教学中的策略培训问题。
- How to Improve the Classroom Teaching Effect of the Computer Course? 如何提高计算机类课程的课堂教学效果?
- Bring forth new ideas in types of lessons, optimize the classroom teaching. 积极进行课型创新,优化课堂教学;
- Key words: Senior school, classroom teaching, beging, ending, principles means. 关键词:中学、课堂教学、导入、结尾、方法、原则。
- Teaching Culture in the ELT Classroom 英语专业文化教学初探
- It is realized that the classroom culture construction is the key for the middleclass vocational schools to improve the classroom teaching and achieve the goal of education for employment. 本文认为,课堂文化的建设是中等职业学校提高课堂教学效果、实现就业教育目标的关键。
- Seelye, H.N.. Teaching Culture[M]. Lincolnwood, II: National Textbook Company. 1988. 英语课程标准研制组.;英语课程标准解读[M]
- Classroom teaching is the wey way for students to get knowledge from teachers directly. 摘要课堂教学是教师向学生直接传授知识的主要环节。
- The instructor treats the classroom teaching as an opportunity to conduct an intellectual dialogue with us. 老师将课堂教学作为与学生平等的知识探讨的机会。
- The ideal situation is to classroom teaching content and form a perfect combination. 理想的课堂教学情境就是内容和形式的完美结合。
- English newspaper reading has become one of the focuses of English classroom teaching research. 一些中学英语教师已尝试将英文报刊应用于阅读教学中,以作为对英语阅读课的补充。
- However, there still exist some factors unfavorable to internalization in humanities classroom teaching. 目前人文学科课堂教学中存在着忽视内化、不利于内化的问题。
- All open classroom teaching adopted the inquiry activity teaching, and the searching level was also higher. 这说明教师是认同探究理念的,也具有探究意识,但对探究活动的指导水平不高,而且新课程标准规定的课时比较少,进行探究活动教学所花费的时间比较长,以及升学的压力导致了如今的现状。
- The multimedia courseware play a very important role in modem classroom teaching. 摘要多媒体课件在现代课堂教学中起着重要的作用。