- chromic acid butter [医] 酪酸试验(检乙醇)
- A salt or ester of chromic acid. 铬酸盐或铬酸酯
- Chromeplating liuthium is mainly used for chromic acid and sulphuric acid. 镀铬用的电解液次给是铬酸酐和硫酸。
- In the project produces oily dirt, dirt and fuel, chromic acid, lime etc scrap, decomposition leather coagulation fat. 工程中产生的油垢,污垢,以及燃料、铬酸、石灰等残余物,分解皮革的凝固油脂。
- At waste pH below 4, the oxidizing power of the chromic acid begins to attach the resin. 当废水pH值低于4时,铬酸的氧化力开始吸附在树脂上。
- In the project produces oily dirt,dirt and fuel,chromic acid,lime etc scrap, decomposition leather coagulation fat. 工程中产生的油垢,污垢,以及燃料、铬酸、石灰等残余物,分解皮革的凝固油脂。
- UHMWPE fibers were treated by chromic acid oxidation and pyrrole vapor deposition respectively. 摘要采用铬酸氧化法及吡咯气相沉积聚合法处理UHMWPE纤维。
- Boric-sulfuric acid anodizing is a new process of thin anodizing film.It may be used instead of chromic acid anodizing. 硼酸-硫酸阳极氧化是取代铬酸阳极氧化的一种薄层阳极氧化新工艺。
- Kocour Centrifuges are used primarily with Test Set KSTS to measure sulfates in Chromic Acid based Plating baths. 主营业务:测厚仪,水质测试包,金相耗材和设备,可焊性测试仪
- UHMWPE fiber is treated by chromic acid of different concentration at different temperature. 本文采用不同浓度和温度下的铬酸溶液对超高分子量聚乙烯纤维进行表面处理。
- UHMWPE fiber were treated by chromic acid etching and chemical vapor depositing polypyrrole(PPy). 摘要采用铬酸刻蚀和化学气相沉积聚吡咯处理了超高相对分子质量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)纤维。
- This paper presents the newest research results on rare earth element additives to chrome plating in chromic acid bath. 对稀土镀铬添加剂的最新研究成果进行了系统的介绍,并就目前应用情况,阐述了今后研究工作中需要进一步探讨的问题。
- In this paper, oxidative procedure of chromic acid and chromic acid derivatives is described. 探讨了铬酸及其行生物的氧化过程,并从结构上解释了铬酸衍生物的选择性氧化作用。
- Twice technology reforms and the structure of main equipment for the recovery of chromic acid sludge by phosphoric acid method are described. 介绍该厂铬盐车间利用磷酸法对铬酸渣回收利用的两次技术改造及主要设备的结构,以供同行业厂家参考。
- A kind of method for analyzing the sulfate content in the roughening solution with high chromic acid content was determined. 研究出一种高铬酸型粗化溶液中硫酸含量的分析方法。
- The porous alumina film prepared by anodization of aluminum in chromic acid under constant voltage and direct current can absorb infared wave. 在铬酸中采用直流恒压铝阳极氧化法制备氧化铝多孔膜,经测试这种多孔膜具有红外吸波性能。
- In order to realize the overall sintering of chromic acid lanthanum heating element,it is necessary to add sintering aids in it. 为了使铬酸镧发热元件能够整体烧结,成型前在铬酸镧粉末中加入助烧剂,将收缩率调节一致。
- The paper introduces the operating mothed of treatment electroplating chromium-containing wastewater and removal chromic acid by use of anion-exchange resin. 介绍用阴离子交换树脂处理电镀含铬废水并回收铬酸的操作方法。
- Most of traditional polishing process formulas for stainless steel contain chromic acid,hydrofluoric acid,nitric acid and other strongly poisonous chemicals. 传统不锈钢抛光工艺配方多含有铬酸、氢氟酸、硝酸等毒害较大物质,同时采用高温酸洗去除氧化皮等,使成本增加。