- These strains can cause tension. 这样劳累过度会造成紧张。
- In the long run these fixed positions will cause tension, fatigue, pain, and acute or chronic ailments. 这些固定的位置最后将导致肌肉紧张、疲劳、疼痛和急性或慢性病痛。
- Nobody should be allowed to cause tension or armed conflicts against the interests.of the people. 而不能违背各国人民的利益去人为地挑起紧张态势,甚至制造武装冲突。
- Nobody should be allowed to cause tension or armed conflicts against the interests of the people. 而不能违背各国人民的利益去人为的挑起紧张态势,甚至制造武力冲突。
- The quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyance. 残酷或让人产生烦恼的性质。
- The Dalai Lama said he did not think his visit to Taiwan would cause tension between China and Taiwan because he has a strict nonpolitical nature. 达赖喇嘛说他并不认为他造访台湾会制造两岸的紧绷,因为他的本质完全无政治化。
- It has therefore been suggested that by clearing Brawn, Williams and Toyota's designs, the FIA was able to cause tension within the FOTA team alliance. 因此,有人建议,清除布朗,威廉姆斯和丰田车队的设计,国际汽联能够造成紧张局势的FOTA解决方案的团队联盟.
- While most of us never intend to take it beyond that initial flirtation, these behaviors certainly raise a few eyebrows and can cause tension in our relationships. 然而,除了前面说的调情,我们大多数人决不会有意去做这种事,无疑,对这些行为动心思,可能引起我们交往的紧张。
- Is it coincidence or is it the Moonstone's bad luck that causes tension and strange things that happen during the rest of the evening? 是一种巧合还是月亮宝石的恶运导致生日晚宴的紧张和奇怪事情发生的呢?
- Cause tension or armed conflicts 挑起紧张态势、制造武力冲突
- They were republished in papers in France, Norway, Germany, Switzerland and Hungary this week, causing tension that quickly spread around the Mu-slim world. 随后它们被发表在法国,挪威,瑞士和匈牙利的报纸上,导致了紧张,很快在整个穆-斯-林世界蔓延。
- Changes to exchange-rate pegs often caused tensions. 钉住汇率制度的改变经常会引发不安。
- However, the shoes can not wear tight, too tight will impede the foot of the blood circulation, causing tension in the foot too prematurely as a result of fatigue. 但是,鞋也不能穿得过紧,过紧就会妨碍脚部的血液循环,造成脚部过分紧张而导致过早的疲劳。
- A benign tumour will not cause you any fatal harm. 良性肿瘤不会对你有致命的伤害。
- Fang Fuming's detention has once caused tensions to Sino-US relations. 方复明遭扣留一度使中美关系紧张。
- But hours into her first foreign trip, Hillary Clinton had already put her unique stamp on the role, one that may bring opportunities, but one that may also cause tensions. 这次亚洲之行刚开始几个小时,希拉里已经为国务卿这个职位打上了她的个人印记。她的风格有可能带来机会,也可能造成紧张局面。
- It's certain that every effect must have a cause. 无疑,每个结果必定有其原因。
- The earthquake may cause a region to fall in. 地震可以使一个地区下陷。
- Inequalities in wealth cause social unrest. 贫富不均可造成社会动荡。
- Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness. 不开心是他生病的根源。