- carry everything before one 势如破竹,获得全胜,取得重大成功
- Ida's zeal carried everything before it. 艾达的热心克服了一切障碍。
- Our army drove straight in, carrying everything before it. 我军长驱直入, 所向披靡。
- With the overwhelming forces that he had managed to build up, Montgomery finally carried everything before him in Africa. 依靠设法调集起来的压倒多数的兵力,蒙哥马利在非洲获得了巨大的成功。
- The main army moved forward towards the north. It carried everything before it and news about the victory came too. 大军挥鞭北上,势如破竹,捷战频传。
- With the overwhelming forces that he had managed to build up,Montgomery finally carried everything before him in Africa. 依靠设法调集起来的压倒多数的兵力,蒙哥马利在非洲获得了巨大的成功。
- They halted before one of the hardwood doors. 他们在一扇硬木门前停住。
- A name before one's surname; a first name. 名在姓之前的名; 第一个名字
- Her zeal swept everything before it. 他的热心克服了一切障碍。
- Certain formalities have to be gone through before one can emigrate. 必须办妥某些手续方可移居他国。
- carry everything before vi. 势如破竹(迅速获得全面胜利;获得巨大成功;万事如意)
- It is customary to turn in one's resignation two weeks before one's last day. 通常辞职要在两周前递交辞职书。
- carry everything before it v. 势如破竹
- Times before one worked, and then everything was fine with the third floppy. 次,只有最后一次的软盘才算工作良好。
- A name before one's surname;a first name. 名在姓之前的名;第一个名字
- Please tidy everything before you leave. 请你离开之前把一切整理好.
- Sell the skin before one has killed the bear. 熊未到手先卖皮,过早乐观。
- Please put away everything before you leave. 请你离开之前把一切整理好.
- One's tongue runs before one's wit. 没等考虑就说出来,冲口而出。
- One must endore a cheque before one casher it. 支票兑现前必须签字。