- burden of debt servicing 偿债负担
- But deflation also emerged that year, pushing up real interest rates and increasing the real burden of debt. 但那一年出现的通货紧缩,在推高实际利率的同时,也增加了实际的债务负担。
- The fundamental reason that a reflationary shock is needed in a postbubble period is tied to the need to reduce the real burden of debt. 之所以如此,根本性原因在于,泡沫破裂之后,经济主体削减债务负担的要求非常迫切,要实现 这个目的,就需要实行通货再膨胀;
- The third world nations had to repay their loans with the sale of, more often than not, a single commodity, which did little to lessen the crippling burden of debt. 第三世界国家为了偿还贷款,经常是出售某一种单一产品,而这样做又几乎没有减轻压得它们无法喘息的沉重债务。
- German billionaire Adolf Merckle committed suicide by throwing himself under a train, “broken” as his business empire crumbled under a growing burden of debt, his family said. 惊爆:德国亿万富翁莫科尔因为企业王国垮塌,精神崩溃而卧轨自杀。
- But, the spirit of the Populist and the silverites remained, which advocated the interference of the federal government with economy, government-issued currency, inflation, and relief of burden of debt. 但平民主义和白银党要求政府干预经济,直接发行货币,要求通货膨胀,减轻债务负担的精神却长期存在,影响深远。
- The fall in sterling will also blunt deflationary pressures that might otherwise exacerbate the credit crisis, since when prices start falling the burden of debt rises in real terms. 货币贬值也会减弱通货紧缩也可能加重信用危机,造成了价格下降开始减轻还贷压力。
- It is all he can to keep out of debt. 他仅可凭此而免于负债。
- An item of debt as recorded in an account. 借方记录在帐本里的负债项目
- This dynamic may indicate an even further need for tightening, which has the potential to push the economy into a recession, by raising the cost of debt service for UK consumers. 这表明了有必要再进一步收紧,使英国消费人的借贷成本提高,但亦因而可能把经济推向衰退。
- Getting out of debt must be placed before buying anything new. 必须先还清债务然后再置办物品。
- The sparrow is sorry for the peacock at the burden of its tail. 麻雀看见孔雀负担着它的翎尾,替它担忧。
- It's not easy to keep out of debt when prices are rising so fast. 物价上涨得这么快,要想不负债是不容易的。
- Last month, South Korean actor-an-hwan in doubt because of the burden of debts, committed suicide by burning charcoal in the car, as young as 36 years old. 上个月,韩国男星安在焕疑因债务缠身,在轿车里烧炭自杀,年仅36岁。
- The burden of organizing the campaign fell to me. 组织这次活动的责任落到了我头上。
- A pound of care will not pay an ounce of debt. 深忧偿不了小债。
- The secretary took on the burden of his work. 秘书承接了他工作的重担。
- It's much easier to get into debt than to get out of debt. 借债容易还债难。
- A burden of one's own choice is not felt. 自愿挑担不嫌重; 自己的孩子背着不嫌沉。
- A writ was served on him for nonpayment of debt. 他因不还债被法庭传唤。