- bright line counting chamber 明线计数池
- Then check if the line count exceeds the page length. 然后检查行的总数是否超过页长。
- Caption:: The two bright line in the image is the trails of Moon and Jupiter, with the backdrop of the sea, some clouds, the view is wonderful. 图中两条光带是月球和木星的星迹,在海面的映照下,再加上稀少的薄云,景色特别怡人。
- When it is stiffened, it will be sensed by the atomic force microscope cantilever, and you can see a bright line, which is a height increase. 当它变硬后,它就会被原子力显微镜的悬臂感觉到,你就能看到一条亮线,代表高度增加。
- Unique material combination siple color matching up,smooth,bright line and side coheren,shows all the ingeniousidea and endless modern beauty. 独特的材料组合,素雅的色彩搭配,流畅明快的线面组合,一切尽是巧妙心思的流露,展现无限现代美感。
- Often people may ask, how many flexo screening line count? or even bring a flexo graphy asked whether or not it was sitting, and it's all our flexo misunderstandings. 必然有人会答,柔性版能印多少线数?甚至拿一个胶印产物答柔性版可否到达其成果,这都是不小家过错柔性版相识的误区。
- Unique material combination,simple color matching up,smooth,bright line and side coherence shows all the ingenious idea and endless mordern beauty. 独特的材质组合,素雅的色彩搭配,流畅明快的线面结合,一切尽是巧妙心思的流露,展现无限现代美感。
- Used in Corrugated printing and Flexographic printing with a coarse line count Anilox roll and low press speeds.A stepped or lamella style doctor blade is also available in UHMW. 一般用于瓦楞纸箱印刷及柔版印刷,在较低的网纹辊线数及较低的机器运行速度下使用。
- Why does the coast line of England measure to prohibit?Because the surname in Europe's one dimension measure with the Wei of the coast line count inconformity. 英国的海岸线为什么测不准?因为欧氏一维测度与海岸线的维数不一致。
- Haomeijia not only enterprises chain, but the chain services, "bright line" for the alarm rings continuously, the model workers domiciliary visits stories constantly. 好美家不仅是企业的连锁,而且是服务的连锁,“光明热线”的铃声不断,劳模上门服务的事例不断。
- If you have a telescope magnifying at least 30-power, you'll be able to glimpse the famous ring system, which now looks like a bright line that bisects Saturn's disk. 如果你有一个最低放大30倍的望远镜,那么你就能够一睹著名的环系统,该环系统现在看上去象是一条将土星的圆盘一分为二的明亮线条。
- double cell type haemocytometer counting chamber 双室型血细胞计数室
- There are no bright lines between different schools of jurisprudence. 其实,在不同的法理学流派当中没有十分明显的区分界限。
- blood corpuscules counting chamber 血小板计数室
- Spencer's bright-line counting chamber [医] 斯潘塞氏明线计数池
- In this form of family, as paternity is uncertain, only the female line counts. 因为在这种家庭形式下父系血统不能确定,所以只承认女系。
- Petroff-Hausser counting chamber 佩-豪细菌计数器
- "I wanted to take the Filofax and make it into a feminine briefcase - with bright lining. 经连夜突审,卖药人张某交代,他只是一名代理商,假药是北京某药品公司销售人员李金国提供的。
- HTML will truncate the spaces in your text. Any number of spaces count as one. Some extra information: In HTML a new line counts as one space. HTML会把文档中那些空开的地方截掉。再多的空格也只会以一个空格的效果来显示。额外的信息:在HTML中每一行可以想象成是一个单独的空间。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。