- This made me break out in a cold sweat. 这吓得我出了一身冷汗。
- When you have the measles, you break out in spots. 当你得麻疹时会出疹子。
- She broke out in spots this morning. 她今天上午身上出现了皮疹。
- Riots broke out in several areas. 有几个地方发生了骚乱。
- His humour made us break out in a fit of laughter. 他的幽默引起我们一阵大笑。
- To break out in or as if in blisters. 起水疱,似起水疱
- The students broke out in a riot of laughter. 学生们突然放声大笑。
- The girl broke out in a rash today. 今天,这女孩身上出了疹子。
- It's getting about that a war will break out in America. 据传在美国将要发生一场战争。
- Break out Fighting broke out in the prison cells. 牢房内突然发生斗殴。
- I didn't break out in a sweat like I did in the first dream. 我没有像做第一个梦那样吓出一身的冷汗。
- He predicted that war would break out in the next few years . 他预言战争将在下几年中爆发。
- The fire broke out in the basement. 地下室着了火。
- My useless life can only break out in tunes without a purpose. 我无用的生命只能放出无目的的歌声。
- The Second World war broke out in 1939 in Europe. 第二次世界大战于1939年在欧洲爆发。
- He broke out in a rash after eating prawns. 他吃了虾后,身上出现皮疹。
- He suddenly broke out in a rage of sobs and curses. 他突然大声哭泣和咒骂。
- Fights broke out in the audience. 观众之间开始发生打斗。
- The independent war broke out in 1776. 美国独立战争于1776年爆发。
- The Crimean War broke out in 1854. 克里米亚战争于一八五四年爆发。