- Bolted flanged connections are widely used in pressure vessels and piping.The equipment investment will be cut down greatly if the weight of flanges is reduced. 在满足强度要求的前提下,为了减轻法兰质量,降低设备成本,在考虑了系统紧密性的基础上,探讨了法兰优化设计方法。
- The traditional design criteria for bolted flanged connections was based on the strength failure, which cannot evaluate in quantity the tightness of flange joints. 传统的法兰设计依据强度失效判据,不能定量估计法兰接头的紧密性。
- The analysis result shows that the influence of the additional flexural torque on the tightness of the bolted flanged connection structure is comparatively ... 分析结果表明,附加弯矩对螺栓法兰连接结构的紧密性有较大影响。
- Based on relevant standards and specifications, professional knowledge and experts' experiments about static sealing, the expert system for bolted flanged connection design is developed. 依据标准规范以及专业知识和专家经验建立了静密封设计专家系统。
- Tightness Assessment Method of Bolted Flanged Connections at Elevated Temperature 高温螺栓法兰连接的紧密性评价方法
- The appendixes G of EN 13445 Part 3 take into account on the mechanical integrity and leak -tightness of flange in details,which provided also a reasonably foreseeable analysis for the systematic characteristics of bolted flanged connection. 此外,由于EN13445 Part3附录G在法兰的机械完整性和紧密性方面给予了更加周详的考虑,为螺栓法兰连接的系统特性提供了合理可预见的分析。
- Development of expert system for bolted flanged connection design 法兰连接静密封设计专家系统研制
- bolted flanged connections 螺栓法兰连接
- Leakage rate calculation of bolted flange connections 螺栓法兰连接系统泄漏率计算
- Analyses of the Strength and Tightness of the Bolted Flanged Connection Under the Action of Additional Loads 附加载荷作用下螺栓法兰连接的强度和紧密性分析
- Research on Load-deformation Properties of the Elastic Washer in Bolted Flanged Connection 螺栓-法兰连接用弹性垫圈载荷变形特性研究
- The system of bolted flange connection 法兰系统刚度
- design of bolted flange connection 螺栓法兰连接设计
- Keywords Bolted Flanged Connection;Gasket Wound with Graphite;Tightness;Additional Load; 螺栓法兰连接;石墨缠绕垫片;紧密性;附加载荷;
- rigidity of the system of bolted flange connection 法兰系统刚度
- Bolted Flanged Connection 螺栓法兰连接
- Flow meters/elements (in-line and insertion type) shall, in general, have flanged connections of rating and type in accordance with piping specifications. (在线和内置型)流量仪表/元件通常应有按照配管规范的等级和类型的法兰式连接。
- Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections. 英文名称: Flanges and their joints.
- Flange connecting shape shall be square. 法兰连接孔分布需正方形。
- Quick: Don't need to weld and galvanize, the setting time is 3 times quicker than the flange connect fitting. 快速不需焊接和再镀锌,安装速度比法兰连接管件快3倍以上。