- blow someone's doors off vt. 战胜某人
- I’ll be Knockin on Heaven’s Doors. 我将敲响上帝之门。
- My father lives a few doors off. 再过去几家就是我父亲的住处。
- Our manager lives three doors off. 我们经理住在隔壁第三家。
- I' m afraid the very sick man is at death' s door. 恐怕这个重病人快死了。
- Fortune knocks once at everyone 's door. 人生总会有一次机会。
- They blew the door off with a small charge of gelignite. 他们用一些炸胶炸掉了门。
- Moving the piano will necessitate taking the door off its hinges . 搬钢琴就得把门从铰链上拿下来。
- They blew the door off with a small charge of explosive. 他们用少量炸药把门炸掉。
- Moving the piano will necessitate taking the door off its hinges. 搬钢琴就得把门从铰链上拿下来。
- The Second Opium War was waged over trade and came after remorseless attempts to force China’s doors to open more widely to the West. 第二次鸦片战争是因贸易问题而引起的战争。在多次要求中国对西方更开放其市场而不成之后,战争开始了。
- One door off stacking capacity, racking test load, and one door off test load. 单面去除的堆放容积,堆压负荷测试和单面去除的堆压负荷测试。
- They ran from building to building, pulling doors off or prying up roofs, calling in amplified voices. 它们从一座建筑跑到另一座建筑,扯掉大门或者掀开屋顶,用经过放大的声音不断地呼唤。
- He managed to ward off the blow. 他设法避过了那一击。
- Erwin pads along the carpeted corridor.He reaches Blatter’s door, knocks and waits for the call. 欧 文沉重地走过铺着地毯的过道,来到布拉特办公室的门口,敲门,等着老大叫他进去。
- He fling up an arm to ward off the blow. 他迅速抬起手臂挡开这一击。
- The Model S' door handles even retract for improved aerodynamics, proving Tesla really has an eye for efficiency. 该型号S'门把手甚至收回改善空气动力学,证明特斯拉真正有眼效率。
- Albrecht was shot in the head in September by his girlfriend’s neighbor as he tried to kick down the man’s door. 在九月,阿布雷彻先生,因为试图闯入他女友邻居家,而被该邻居枪击头部,导致死亡。
- And already he's talking smack, warning a certain Teutonic competitor that unless the next M5 is substantially better, the CTS-V “will suck the doors off” the competition. 他直言不讳地警告日耳曼对手,除非下一代M5能够相当好,否则CTS-V会在这场竞争中占尽先机。
- Parents must let children blow off steam sometimes. 做父母的有时必须让孩寸们吵吵闹闹,发泄发泄。