- blow one's mouth off 滔滔不绝; 胡吹
- She spooned milk into the baby's mouth. 她用汤匙把牛奶舀入婴儿口中。
- You should have heard her mouth off to the teacher. 你该听听她是怎么和老师顶嘴的。
- Chandler waits until Jill is looking, then starts to blow a bubble. But instead of blow one, he accidentally spits the gum out of his mouth and hits the wall. 钱德勒等吉儿看着他时,他开始吹泡泡,但却将口香糖吹出了嘴,吹到了墙上。
- A guy like Brown could shoot his mouth off. 布朗这种人,一谈起来天花乱坠。
- He's always shooting his mouth off. 他像个炮筒子。
- Again and again Cindy puffed breaths into Kyla’s mouth. 辛迪就不停地往凯拉嘴里吹气。
- He's always shooting his mouth off about his success with women. 他总是瞎吹他如何能赢得女子芳心。
- If that guy doesn't keep his mouth off, we'll take him out. 那家伙还不闭嘴的话,就干掉他!
- It's a secret,so don't go shooting your mouth off about it. 这是秘密,别随便乱说。
- What are the chances that I will blow one of my stereo speakers if I turn my 200-watt amplifier up to wide open? 如果把200瓦的扩音机开到最大,立体声喇叭烧坏的可能性有多大?
- It's a secret, so don't go shooting your mouth off about it. 这是秘密,别随便乱说
- This new king also likes listening to blow "yv", but he likeslistening to them to blow one by one. 这个新王也喜欢听吹竽,但他喜欢一个一个地听他们吹。
- If you mouth off, I will ground you for three weeks. 你敢顶嘴,我就三个星期不让你出门。
- As it enters MULDER's mouth, a bright light attached to it flicks on. 当他进入莫特的嘴里的时候,一阵强光突然加在了上面。
- The main entrance yawned like a cavern’s mouth, without gate or portcullis. 是死了,还是发生了什么可怕的事情?
- Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard will strike a blow one more timest Australia's macho culture Tuesday when IT becomings the first “ITila”to get over the top job. 澳大利亚高中等级学院利亚Australia副总理朱莉娅-吉拉德周二将成了接掌很高生意场位置的首位女孩,使该国的男性文学受到打击。
- He was mouthing off about the high price of fish. 他就鱼价的飞涨大发议论。
- His earnings are probably not that high. He's always shooting his mouth off. 他的收入可能没那么高,他一向喜欢吹牛。