- Are the basic building blocks of an OWL ontology. 是OWL存在论的基本构建块。
- Illustrates the basic building blocks of an OWL ontology. 表示了OWL存在论的基本构造块。
- Web Parts are the basic building blocks of a Web Part Page. Web部件是Web部件页的基本结构块。
- The work group is the basic building block of Japanese organizations. 工作小组是日本组织的基本结构单元。
- The basic building block of the project is an L-shaped terrace apartment. 项目的基本建筑模式是L型公寓楼。
- The element of air is another building block of life. 气元素,是构建生命的另一种基本单元。
- Hong Kong's small and medium-sized businesses employ some two-thirds of the workforce and are the basic building blocks of our economy. 我现在要谈谈中小型企业。中小型企业是本港经济的基石,雇员人数约占全港工作人口三分之二。
- This course introduces basic building blocks of digital hardware systems and provides basic skill sets necessary for. 这门课程介绍的是数字硬件系统的基础的构造和提供设计和执行现代化数字路基系统的基本技术装置。
- The basic building blocks of this theory are the Monod model and the Droop model of competition. 阐述了资源竞争理论形成的基础Monod竞争模型和Droop竞争模型。
- Amino acids are chemical moieties that form the basic building blocks of proteins. 氨基酸是组成蛋白质的化学根。
- Given such conditions, the idea that the building blocks of life originated in space rather than on the earth might seem preposterous. 鉴于这种严酷条件,生命来自宇宙而非地球的这种想法看来十分荒谬。
- The letters A, C, G, and T stand for adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine respectively, the basic building blocks of DNA. 字母A.;C.G和T分别代表组建DNA的基础片段腺膘吟、胞嘧啶、鸟膘吟和胸腺嘧啶。
- Given such conditions,the idea that the building blocks of life originated in space rather than on the earth might seem preposterous. 鉴于这种严酷条件,生命来自宇宙而非地球的这种想法看来十分荒谬。
- Transactions are the basic building blocks of enterprise applications; without them, it would be nearly impossible to build fault-tolerant enterprise applications. 事务是企业应用程序的基本构件;没有它们,几乎不可能构建有容错能力的企业应用程序。
- As computers grow increasingly powerful, computer chips are becoming more and more densely packed with transistors, the basic building blocks of microprocessors. 计算机变得日渐强大,组成计算机芯片的晶体管排列越来越紧凑。
- Among the things it will look for is whether the ice melted in Mars' history and whether the soil samples contain traces of organic compounds, one of the building blocks of life. 它还要寻找在火星的历史中冰层是否溶解,土壤样本是否包含了有机化合物的足迹,有机化合物是构建生命的基本元素之一。
- Sattva having great amount of energy and little matter, Tamas having less energy and big matter, Rajas being in between, are basic building blocks of our Universe. 萨缍拥有大量的能量和少量的物质,愚昧拥有较少能量和大量物质,激质介乎于两者之间,是我们宇宙的基础建筑。
- That bodes well for the mission's main goal of digging for ice that can be tested for evidence of organic compounds that are the chemical building blocks of life. 对于此次任务的主要目标是挖掘出用于测试是否存在构成生命基础的有机化合物的冰来说,这是一个好消息。
- Fermions are the basic building blocks of ordinary matter and include electrons, protons and neutrons individually, as well as atoms with an odd number of those constituents. 费米子是一般物质的基本构成单位,个别的电子、质子、中子以及由奇数个这些粒子组成的原子都属于费米子。
- A Web Part is a modular unit of information that forms the basic building block of a Web Part Page. Web部件是构成Web部件页的基本构造块的信息模块单元。