- band limited white noise 带限白噪声
- A Stationary Band - Limited White Noise Generator with Gauss Probability Distribution 具有平稳随机性质的带限高斯白噪声发生器
- W is a zero mean white noise source. W是一个零均值的白噪声源。
- White noise is a good masking agent. 白噪声是一种很好的掩蔽声。
- In this paper, a power spectrum of discontinuous narrow band white noise is analysed, and an expression of the power spectrum is obtained. 对间断窄带白噪声的功率谱进行了分析,得到其功率谱的表达式。
- After the PPM modulation ultra-wide band signal after the Gauss white noise channel system simulation, and give the time domain and the frequency range chart! 经PPM调制的超宽带信号经高斯白噪声信道的系统仿真,给出了时域和频域图
- All I get is the white noise of refrigerators or fume hoods. 我只能听到冰箱和排风机发出的白噪声。
- Randomness in this case is modelled as a Gaussian white noise process. 模式中之随机性乃视为一高斯白噪音过程。
- The Study and Development of Limited Band White Noise Generator 限带白噪声发生器的研制
- And the lost packet wouldnot affect the state recovery of this stateless MD codec.Therefore it is very suitable to unreliable and band limited channels such as the internet. 因为该编码器为无状态编码器,所以分组的丢失不会影响编码器状态的恢复,适合在互联网等不可靠且带宽受限的信道上传输语音信号。
- White noise on a radio receiver would interfere with all radio stations. 白噪音在无线电接收器将会干扰所有广播电台。
- Noise that affects all transmission frequencies equally is called white noise. 杂讯同等地影响所有传输频率称为白噪音。
- Self talk can also serve as " white noise," taking your mind off distracting stimuli7. 自言自语能起‘白噪音’的作用,使你不受外部影响分散注意。
- Put colorful food on the table: green and yellow vegetables, fruits of various colors, and brown(whole-grain)breads. Limit white carbohydrates: rice, pasta, bleached bread and sugar(desserts). 选用色彩丰富的食物:绿的或者黄的蔬菜,不同颜色的水果,褐色的面包(全麦的)。减少含碳水化合物的白色食物,如米饭、意大利面、白面包或者是食糖(还有点心)。
- band limited wiener inverse operator 限带维纳反算子
- If you do not have time to socialize during the flight, invest in a good pair of headphones that have“ white noise. 如果你没有时间在飞机上进行一些交际活动,那就准备一份不错的有“白噪音”的耳机。
- A wavelet threshold denoising algorithm is effective for denoising the white noise in image. 摘要小波阈值去噪算法是去除图像信号中白噪声的有效算法。
- Guinea pigs were exposed to either 110dB SPL white noise for 30min (ITS group )or 120 dB SPL for 150 nun (PTS group). 豚鼠分别暴露110dB SPL白噪声30min或120dB SPL白噪声150min。
- A Monte Carlo simulation example for a Bernoulli-Gaussian input white noise fused smoother shows its effectiveness. 一个Bernoulli-Gaussian输入白噪声融合平滑器的Monte Carlo仿真例子说明了其有效性。
- Then the subspace intersection method of DOA estimation based on white noise loading approach (WASI) is presented. 提出了基于白噪声加载近似的子空间相交方位估计方法(WASI)。