- balanced tray thickner 平衡式多层增稠器
- He went over and laid down his cup on the tray. 他走过去把茶杯放到茶盘上。
- The fruit is prepackaged in plastic tray. 水果用塑料盘预先包装。
- She set a tray down on the table. 她把托盘放在桌子上了。
- Letters were piled high in the tray on his desk. 他办公桌上的文件盘里有很多信。
- He put the toast on the breakfast tray. 他把烤面包片放到早餐托盘里。
- I tripped over, dropping the tray I was carrying. 我绊了一下,手中的托盘掉在地上了。
- His secretary put his mail in his in tray. 他的秘书将他的信件放到收文盘内。
- A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body. 均衡的食物使你的身体获得营养。
- The waitress carried the dishes on a tray. 女服务生用盘子端菜。
- He cast and balanced till midnight. 他算帐算到半夜。
- She sent back her breakfast tray untouched. 她打发人将一盘她一口未动的早餐送回。
- The dolphin balanced the ball on its nose. 海豚用鼻子顶着球,使其保持平衡。
- Stub out your cigarette in the ash tray. 把你俩的香烟在烟灰缸里捻熄。
- He balanced precariously on the narrow window-ledge. 他在狭窄的窗台上很难保持平衡。
- The company balanced sheet for 1993 show a substantial loss. 该公司1993年资产负债表表明该公司亏损严重。
- The waiter reappeared at his side with a loaded tray. 侍者端著满满一盘饭菜回到他的桌边。
- Upon a little occasional table was a tray with breakfast things. 在一张临时用的小桌子上放着一个盛着早餐及餐具的盘子。
- Wage increase was balanced off by rising cost of living. 增加的工资被上升的生活费用抵销。
- A sentence of several carefully balanced clauses in formal writing. 复合句正式文体中包括若干从句的结构匀称的句子