- Can influenza vaccine prevent avian flu? 流感疫苗可预防禽流感吗?
- Selenium Deficiency the Inner Cause of Avian Flu? 是什么导致禽流感?
- Avian flu - what are the new threats to insurance? 禽流感:保险业的新挑战?
- Later proved that the drug treatment of avian flu to be effective. 事后证明,这种药物治疗禽流感颇为有效。
- Meanwhile, scientists search for a vaccine.. The Race Against Avian Flu. 和禽流感赛跑。
- The measure taken by them effectively contained the spread of Avian Flu. 他们所采取的措施有效的遏制了禽流感的蔓延。
- Avian flu is probably here to stay, experts are warning Europe's governments. 专家警告欧洲各国政府:禽流感很可能会留下来。
- We will continue to cooperate to fight avian flu and other pandemic diseases. 我们将继续在遏制禽流感和其他大型流行病症方面,进行合作;
- Avian flu concerns health officials because of its potential for pandemic. 禽流感潜在的全国流行性引起卫生官员的关注。
- The poultry industry throughout Asia has in recent years been subject to the shock of avian flu, or bird flu. 这几年来,全亚洲的家禽饲养业都笼罩在禽流感的惊恐下。
- Northern Ireland has banned poultry markets as a precaution against the spread of avian flu to the province. 虽然,英国北爱尔兰自治区并未出现禽流感疫情,但当地有关部门仍然不敢有丝毫懈怠。为了防控禽流感传播,该自治区日前禁止当地的家禽市场继续营业。
- Another animal also seems to have provided an even newer and more serious threat to human health than avian flu. 另外一种动物似乎也比禽流感对人体健康形成更令人措手不及且更严重的威胁。
- So far, avian flu is known to have killed nine people in Indonesia, and more than70 in Asia since2003. 到目前为止,自2003年以来印尼已经有9人死于禽流感,整个亚洲有70多人死于这种疾病。
- Still,9/11, avian flu, and Iran remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necessarily a safer world. 尽管如此,9/1、流感及伊朗提醒我们,更小更快的世界决不意味着其更安全。
- NOT much is known about how the financial world would cope with an outbreak of avian flu. 金融界会如何应对禽流感暴发,人们并不十分清楚。
- Like many bankers, he thinks that the biggest danger to the financial system at present is avian flu. 和许多银行家一样,他认为目前金融系统最大的危险是禽流感。
- To prevent avian flu, you should avoid touching birds, poultry or their droppings and wash hands frequently. 预防禽流感,要避免接触禽鸟或它们的粪便,并要勤洗手。
- The spokesman said the CHP is on the alert for human cases of avian flu through its influenza surveillance system. 发言人说,生防护中心正透过流感监察系统,提高警惕侦测人类禽流感个案。
- As yet, there is no scientific evidence to show that people can contract avian flu from wild birds. 目前并没有证据显示人类可从野鸟身上感染禽流感。
- Normal flu is transmitted from person to person while avian flu arises from contact with live infected birds. 流感乃由人传人,禽流感则通过接触活禽鸟而感染。