- atrialized right ventricle 心房化的右心室
- The name tricuspid refers to the three flaps of tissue that guard the opening between the right atrium and the right ventricle. 三尖瓣这个名称与守卫着右心房和右心室开口的三块片状瓣膜有关。
- The right ventricle and atrium are opened to reveal a pacemaker wire that extends to the apex to embed on the septum. 右心室、右心房剖开可见起搏器金属线,延伸并嵌入隔膜。
- We present a case of large angiosarcoma arising from the right atrium, involving the right ventricle. 摘要本院报告一侵犯右心房、右心室之原发性右心房血管肉瘤之病例。
- Echocardiography revealed massive right hemothorax which severely compressed the right atrium and right ventricle. 透过心脏超音波,我们发现病患有大量的右侧血胸,且直接对于右心房和右心室造成严重的压迫。
- The right ventricle is also underdeveloped. 右心室也发育不良。
- AF was provoked by APB.6F multiple electrode catheters were placed at right ventricle,His bundle,coronary sinus,right atrium. 放置 6F多极导管电极于右室、His束及冠状静脉窦 (CS) ,Halo电极置于右房。
- Improper development of the tricuspid valve prevents oxygen-poor (blue) blood from passing from the right atrium to the right ventricle and on to the lungs as it should. 发育异常的三尖瓣阻碍了贫氧血(兰)由此通过从右心房到右心室再到肺里
- The right atrium relaxes to allow all this blood to enter; the weight forces open the tricuspid valve, the blood flows into the right ventricle, which is relaxed to receive it. 右心房舒张,允许所有这些血液进入其中;重力推开了三尖瓣,血液流入舒张受血的右心室。
- Tricuspid regurgitation the backflow of blood from the right ventricle into the right atrium, owing to imperfect functioning (insufficiency) of the tricuspid valve. 什麽是'三尖瓣关闭不全-洩漏连接权心脏瓣膜上部和下部的心商会'?
- The right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to the lung. 右心室将缺氧血液泵往肺部.
- Normally, oxygen-poor( blue) blood returns to the right atrium from the body, travels to the right ventricle, then is pumped through the pulmonary artery into the lungs where it receives oxygen. 正常情况下,贫氧血(色)全身回到右心房,进入右心室,然后被泵出经过肺动脉进入肺,在这里接受氧气。
- Right ventricle ejection fraction(RVEF)and velocity of pulmonary(Vpa)were significantly lower in patient group. Right atrium(RA)and right ventricle(RV)were enlarged in patient group. 结果病例组右室射血前期/射血加速时间(RPEP/AT)明显延长,右心室射血分数(RVEF)、肺动脉最大血流速度(Vpa)降低,右心室(RV)、右心房(RA)扩大。
- In the cases with Hb Bart's fetal edema syndrome,the heart was enlarged from 25 weeks' gestation,right atrial enlargement came earliest, along with gestation weeks' followed with right ventricle,left atrium and left ventricle aggravated enlargement. HbBart胎儿水肿综合征的心脏从妊娠中期 ( 2 5周 )开始增大 ,以右心房增大最早出现 ,此后随着孕周的增加而加重 ,继之右心室及左心房室增大 ;
- If the stenosis occurs late (eg, after 20 weeks), then the right ventricle has already developed, and the tricuspid valve becomes incompetent, the blood regurgitates, and the right atrium enlarges. 假如狭窄出现在晚期(比如孕20周后),这时右心室已经发育好了,三尖瓣就会发生功能不全,出现血液返流,右心房增大。
- Normally, oxygen-poor (blue) blood returns to the right atrium from the body, travels to the right ventricle, then is pumped through the pulmonary artery into the lungs where it receives oxygen. 正常情况下,贫氧血(蓝色)从全身回到右心房,进入右心室,然后被泵出经过肺动脉进入肺,在这里接受氧气。
- No residual leakage or obstruction of right ventricle outflow tract occurred. 随访3~6个月,无晚期死亡及并发症发生。
- Seen here is the explanted heart.Pacemaker wires enter the right ventricle. 请看这个移植心脏,起搏器金属丝深入到右心室。
- Results Right ventricle hypertrophy appeared in all rats by six weeks... 组织学检查显示明显右室肥厚的病理变化。
- Echocardiography showed a pericardial cystic mass with external compression of the right ventricle. 心脏超音波显示心脏旁有一水泡状囊肿且压迫右心室。