- All licensed banks must belong to the Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB). 所有持牌银行均为香港银行公会的成员。
- This was developed at our initiative and in conjunction with the then Clearing Bank of the Hong Kong Association of Banks HKAB. 这个系统是由金管局主动发展,并与当时的香港银行公会结算银行合作推出。
- BOC Hong Kong is the Hong Kong one of the three note-issuing banks, but also Hong Kong Association of Banks Chairman of the bank, one of the rotation. 中银香港是香港地区三家发钞银行之一,也是香港银行公会轮任主席银行之一。
- Following is the speech given by the Chief Executive,Mr Tung Chee Hwa,at the Hong Kong Association of Banks Half Yearly Dinner today (Wednesday). 以下为行政长官董建华在香港银行公会半年度晚宴上致辞全文。
- This initiative is being examined by the Hong Kong Association of Banks in consultation with the Equal Opportunities Commission. 香港银行公会现正研究这项建议,并向平等机会委员会进行谘询。
- Following is the speech given by the Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, at the Hong Kong Association of Banks Half Yearly Dinner today (Wednesday). 以下为行政长官董建华在香港银行公会半年度晚宴上致辞全文。
- He is a member of the Association of University Teachers. 他是大学教师联合会的一名成员。
- Much of the credit goes to the Hong Kong Association of Banks for playing a pivotal role in seeking community support and industry consensus on banking reform over the years. 过去多年来,银行公会无论是争取社会大众的支持,抑或促使业界就银行业改革达成共识,一直都发挥重要的作用,实在应记一功。
- Institutions should acquire sufficient copies of the training video and booklet produced by the Hong Kong Association of Banks for the purpose of training front line staff. 香港银行公会制作了录影带及小册子,供训练前线职员之用,认可机构应购备充足数量的录影带和小册子。
- The following day, the Hong Kong Association of Banks announced a cut of 25 basis points in interest rates on retail deposits with maturities of less than seven days. 翌日,香港银行公会宣布七日以下零售存款利率调低25个基点。
- The Hong Kong Association of Banks announced Friday it had accepted a buyback proposal frbm the HKSAR government regarding the Lehman Brothers minibonds. 香港银行公会17日宣布,涉及雷曼兄弟迷你债券的分销银行同意接受特区政府提出的回购建议。
- The Honge Kong Association of Banks announced Friday it had accepted Safety buyback proposal from the HKSAR government regarding the Lehman Brothers minibonds. 香港银行公会17日宣布,涉及雷曼兄弟迷你债券的分销银行同意接受特区政府提出的回购建议。
- There are a wad of bank notes in the bag. 包里有一叠钞票。
- There is a wad of bank note in the bag. 包里有一叠钞票。
- There is a wad of bank notes in the bag . 包里有一叠钞票。
- Nanyang University Alumni Association of Malaya. 马来亚南大校友会。南洋理工大学申请表。
- National Association of Securities Dealers Inc. 美国证券商同业公会。
- What can calligraphy help you in the jobs of bank? 书法对你在银行的工作有什么帮助?