- as longas your arm 很长
- There's a list of repairs as long as your arm. 有一份长得要命的修理单。
- Fine, as longas I get to pick it. 不错 不过得我来挑。
- Throw your arms out in front of you as you dive. 跳水时手臂迅速前伸。
- Think of it as part of your body, like your arm or your leg. 把它想成是你身体的一部分,就象你的手和脚。
- In order to break your fall, slap your arm against the floor as you go down. 为了减弱你跌倒的势头,当你倒下时用手臂撑着地板。
- Your arm has swollen by inflammation. 你的手臂因感染已肿起来了。
- A type of RAM that retains its contents as longas the system is powered on. 一种在系统上电时以保持它的内容的储存器。
- How did you come by that wound in your arm? 你的手臂是怎么弄伤的?
- Your arm is bleeding,put a bandage on it. 你的手臂在流血,用绷带包扎一下。
- Don't stick your arm out of the car window. 不要把胳膊伸出车窗。
- Doesn't that tight bracelet constrict your arm? 那个手镯那么紧不会压迫你的手臂吗?
- I want to e i your arm thi ew Year. 我要在你的怀抱里度过今年的春节。
- Myojin of Cleansing Fire is indestructible as longas it has a divinity counter on it. 只要净火明神上面有神威指示物,便不会毁坏。
- How can I drag away from your arms? 我怎样才能离开你的怀抱呢?
- Just press the switch on your arm rest. 您按一下扶手上的那个开关就行了。
- Please put the thermometer under your arm. 请将体温计放在腋下。
- Asfaras I'm concerned ,I'm in favour of the fromerview.Therefore,myconclusion is that we are certain to succeed as longas we stick towhat is right and correct what is wrong. 至于说到我,我赞成前一种观点。所以,我的结论是,只要我们坚持正确的东西,改正错误的东西,我们就一定能成功。
- Fold your arms and sit up straight! 两臂交叉,坐直!
- Be careful, there is a bee over your arm. 小心,你胳膊上有只蜜蜂。