of or relating to or taking account of appeals (usually legal appeals);
"appellate court"
用作名词 (n.)
The appellant may file a final reply brief to the appellee's brief. 上诉人可以根据被上诉人的摘要递交最后的回应摘要。
The appellant shall also be informed of any right to further appeal. 上诉人还应被告知可进一步上诉的任何权利。
用作形容词 (adj.)
The time limit for appeal and the competent appellant court. 上诉期间和上诉的法院。
Any decision by any appellate body and the reasons therefore would be communicated in writing to the appellant, together with notification of any right to further appeal. 任何上诉机关做出的任何决定及其理由均需以书面形式告知上诉人,并附关于进一步上诉的任何权利的通知。