- The low carbon micro alloyed ultra fine grained steel,low carbon duplex steels and low alloyed transformation induced plasticity(TRIP) steel has good anti seismic property. 提高建筑结构钢的抗震性,应在保证钢材具有较高强度的同时,提供其塑性和韧性。
- The most common disadvantageous influences caused by non standardized decoration include lowering anti seismic ability and reliability of house structure. 分析了几种最常见的不规范装修对房屋抗震度和房屋结构可靠度等的不利影响,并提出了应对措施。
- A Brief Talk On Anti Seismic Of Masonry Structure 浅谈砌体结构抗震
- seismic concept design of building 建筑抗震概念设计
- The Main Point of Code for Seismic Concept Design of New Buildings 新规范抗震概念设计要点
- Seismic Concept Design of Steel Frame-hull Core Structure Residential Buildings 钢框架-核心筒钢结构住宅的抗震概念设计
- Summarizing Analyze and Expectation of Modern Architecture Construction and its Anti Seismic Design 现代建筑结构体系及其抗震的分析与展望
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。
- Precaution for crack of GRC light weight hollow ribbon board wall in high demand of anti seismic area 高抗震设防区GRC轻质空心条板墙体裂缝预防
- This concept is at the very core of her theory. 这个概念是她理论的核心。
- I can not understand the so abstract concept. 我无法理解如此抽象的观念。
- Who originated the concept of stereo sound? 立体声是谁发明的?
- anti seismic adj. 防地震的
- They have always been anti colonialism. 他们一直是反对殖民主义的。
- anti seismic reinforcement 抗震加固
- He was the first to pose an alternative concept of the world. 他是第一个提出另一种新的世界概念的人。
- The quality of seismic data varies tremendously. 地震资料的质量变化巨大。
- It is difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space. 掌握无限空间的概念是很难的。
- Shall I put some anti freeze in the radiator? 要不要在散热器里注入一些防冻剂?
- To the Hong Kong Anti Cancer Society. 与香港防癌会。