- angiopathia retina juvenalis 青年性视网膜血管瘤, 伊耳斯病
- angiopathia retinae juvenalis 青年性视网膜血管病, 伊耳斯(氏)病
- angiopathia retinae traumatica of Purtscher 外伤性视网膜脂血症, 普尔夏(氏)外伤性视网膜血管病
- The optical system of the eye stimulate cell of the retina. 眼睛的视觉系统刺激视网膜内的细胞。
- Sight is made possible by rays of light impinging on the retina. 由于光线射到视网膜上,眼睛才看得见。
- The optical system of the eye stimulates cells of the retina. 眼睛的视觉系统刺激视网膜内的细胞。
- A detached retina is more serious. 视网膜剥离就更严重了。
- Rays light impinge upon the retina. 光线射到网膜上。
- Stage 2B: Operculated, traction to retina released. 有盖的,(玻璃体)对网膜的牵引解除。
- He was operated on for detachment of the retina. 他作了视网膜剥离手术。
- A visual organ;visual receptors on the retina. 视觉器官;视网膜上的视觉感受器
- Images are projected onto the retina of the eye. 影像被投射到眼睛的视网膜上。
- There is no cure for retina degeneration. 对视网膜脱落,目前还没有治疗的方法。
- From the back of the eye the retina. 红眼的出现,是光线在眼球底部视网膜。
- As a result, the retina can begin to self-destruct. 这将导致视网膜开始自毁。
- Diseases of retina can cause vision lost over time. 视网膜疾病会随着时间导致视力逐渐丧失。
- The plexiform layers of the retina. 视网膜丛状的层
- Eye retina nerve is atrophic, can you cure? 眼睛视网膜神经萎缩,可以治好吗?
- He had an operation on his retina. 他曾接受视网膜的手术。
- The condition of the normal eye when parallel rays are focused exactly on the retina and vision is perfect. 屈光正常当平行光线恰好聚焦于视网膜并形成清晰视觉时正常眼睛的状态