- I didn't receive an acknowledgement of my application. 对我的申请,我还没有收到复信告知收悉。
- She send an acknowledgement of receipt. 她寄出一张回执(收到收据的通知)。
- She sent an acknowledgement of receipt . 她寄出一张回执。
- It may mean no more than an acknowledgement of your presence. 它可能仅仅意味着对你出现的认可而已。
- This report is an acknowledgement of the size of the problem. 这个报告承认了问题的严重性。
- An acknowledgement of the cheque will be appreciated. 请收到支票后惠予告知为盼。
- an acknowledgement of fault 认错
- The hug she gave me was an acknowledgment of my apology. 她抱了抱我,表示接受我的道歉。
- In the meantime, send an acknowledgement of the order to the customer to show that you are a considerate business. 与此同时,告知客户你已收到订单,以此显示你们是一家考虑周到的企业。
- Please complete the reply slip below to receive an acknowledgement of your application. 请填妥下列回条。本校会把回条寄还,作为收讫申请表通知。
- That would be too generous an acknowledgment of the fact that there had been fault on his side as well as on hers. 他想他如果真去,那就不啻承认自己也跟珍妮一样有过了过失。
- This policy is far from being ideal, but it is at least an acknowledgement of the inadequacy of our language in treating half of human race equally. 这一策略并不理想,但它至少承认了一个事实,那就是在平等对待人类另一半上,我们的语言功能还不全。
- Her theory was quoted without an acknowledgement. 她的理论被人引用而未向她致谢。
- I bowed my head in acknowledgement of guilt. 我低下头来承认过失。
- The recognition of fallibility is simply an acknowledgment of our humanity. 承认人皆有错不过是正视人性而已。
- We have had no acknowledgement of our letter. 我们没有收到过确认去信已收到的回音。
- The greatest of fault, I shall say, is to be conscious of none. 最大的错误,据我看,倒是完全意识不到有什么错误。
- Wilber has integrated these four areas of knowledge through an acknowledgement of the four fundamental dimensions of existence. 维尔博通过确认的四个基本层面的存在,整合了这四个领域的知识。
- The preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her. 绪言中包含她对那些帮助过她的人的致谢声明。
- It's an acknowledgment of the interest patients hae in the approaches. 这是为了满足对此感兴趣的患者的要求。