lower in value by increasing the base-metal content
make an alloy of
用作名词 (n.)
Brittleness is often a result of alloying. 脆性往往是合金化的一种结果。
The prospect of small alloying additions was also investigated in this paper. 并对饰品金合金微量添加元素的发展进行了展望。
用作形容词 (adj.)
Copper, one of the main alloying elements, has great effect on the microstructure and properties. 提高铜元素含量可能形成多相强化的效果,从而提高合金的强度。
The structure of cast magnesium alloys can be refined markedly by adding small amounts of inoculants or alloying elements according to the composition of the alloy concerned. 根据合金的种类加入不同的孕育剂或少量的合金元素可显著细化镁合金的铸造组织。