- Stay away from him. He is all burnt up. 不要惹他,他现在怒火如焚。
- Stay away from him.He is all burnt up now. 不要惹他,他现在怒火中烧。
- Anyway, the trees were all burnt to dust. 总之,所有的树木被烧毁成灰。
- I know I'll need him till the stars all burn away. 我知道,我需要他,一直到星星点灯,苍穹燃烧。
- All are stirred, all are enthused, all burn to enter the combat. 于是所有人都被激励起来,热情奔放地投身于斗争中。
- all burnt time 燃尽时刻
- What if we're just burning time? 如果我们只是在浪费时间呢?
- We all burned with rage at the sight. 看到这个景象,我们都义愤填膺。
- Moreover, burn time to also affect the burnable full, combustion time is short hard full combustion. 另外,燃烧时间也影响燃烧的充分性,燃烧时间短就难以充分燃烧。
- The villagers all burned with rage at the sight. 看了这景象,老乡们都义愤填膺。
- His words made all burned with indignation. 他的话使大家义愤填膺
- And by the unlabouring brood of the skies: And therefore my heart will bow, when dew Is dropping sleep, until God burn time, Before the unlabouring stars and you. 被天穹里悠然的群星轻易击溃于是,当露水打湿睡意,我的心就会倾倒,直到上帝燃尽时间在群星和你的面前。
- The city was all burnt down during the the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. 抗日战争期间,这座城市全部给烧毁了。
- We all burn incense, firecrackers, smoke, place us in this way the grief of their loved ones. 大家都烧香、放鞭炮,乌烟瘴气,用这种方法寄托我们对亲人的哀思。
- The villagers all burned with rage [indignation] at the sight. 看了这景象,老乡们都义愤填膺。
- Repress force again for 300 Mpa burns temperature more again: 870 ?, burn time again 120 minutes. 复压压力为300 Mpa以上,复烧温度:870℃,复烧时间120分钟。
- All burn rate suppressants make the grain more difficult to ignite, necessitating an enhanced pyrotechnic or pyrogen ignition system. 所有烧伤率suppressants ,使粮食更难以点燃,有必要加强烟火材料,或热原点火系统。
- This unusually named conundrum is a mathematical sorting process that can be visualised as a stack of pancakes, all burnt on one side, which must be ordered by size. 这个名称奇特的难题实质上是一个数学排序过程,可想象为将一叠全部单面焦的煎饼按大小排序的问题。
- Is the chicken hair? Duck blood city and don't know today originally what festival, everyone all burn the chicken to put the temple of the gods oblation. 原来今天是鸡毛鸭血城的不知什么节日,大家都把烧鸡放到神庙里供奉。
- If fuse is stored in such a way that it is damaged by moisture or in other ways, its burning time can change. 导火线如贮存于潮湿的,或其它不利条件下,其燃烧速度会改变。