- Air cover, especially during a military operation. 掩护幕空中掩护,尤其是在军事行动期间
- For this operation we need plenty of air cover. 为进行这次军事行动, 我们需要充足的空中掩护。
- The ships would no longer have air cover from carriers. 船舰将不再有航空母舰的空中掩盖。
- The ships needed air cover once they reached enemy waters. 已到达敌方的水域,船只就需要空中掩护。
- For this operation we need plenty of air cover,ie protection by military aircraft. 为进行这次军事行动,我们需要充足的空中掩护。
- The ships needed air cover(= protection by military planes)once they reached enemy waters. 一到达敌方的水域,船只就需要空中掩护。
- For this operation we need plenty of air cover, ie protection by military aircraft. 为进行这次军事行动; 我们需要充足的空中掩护.
- For this operation we need plenty of air cover, ie protection by military air craft. 为进行这次军事行动;我们需要充足的空中掩护.
- Some 850 bombers and dive-bombers, backed by 40 fighters, would assure the Germans of total air cover. 850架轰炸机和俯冲轰炸机在40架战斗机的掩护下将会为德军提供空中掩护。
- Additionally, Soviet aircraft flew daily reconnaissance sorties in the vicinity and also provided air cover for small-scale combined arms attacks on isolated Manchukuoan units. 此外,苏联航空兵每天侵入周围地区进行侦察,并且为对孤立的满洲国部队发起的小规模进攻提供空中掩护。
- The escorts and destroyers through a combination of air cover and strong escorts fended off the wolf pack, which for the first time, the tide was beginning to show signs of change. 护卫舰和驱逐舰与空中力量相互结合头一次强有力地保护护航舰队不受狼群的威胁,战争的走势开始发生改变了。
- Upon the recommendation of Acheson, U.S.President Truman then ordered MacArthur to transfer ammunition, arms and equipment to the ROK Army while using air cover to protect the evacuation of U. 根据艾奇逊的建议,美国总统杜鲁门随后命令麦克阿瑟使用空军掩护南朝鲜境内美国公民撤离的同时向朝鲜共和国(南韩)军队输送弹药,武器和军事装备。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- Not far away in the airspace, 9 armed helicopters, formation of sub-divided into waves, at airspace over the beachhead in the air strikes, air support and air cover topics such as training. 在不远处的空域,9架武装直升机分编队、分波次、分空域,在滩头上空进行空中打击、空中支援、空中掩护等课题的训练。
- The dirty, still air covers Los Angeles like a blanket, gradually building up into a thick, smelly, foggy, smokelike layer. 尘污和静止的空气象一个罩子一样覆盖着洛杉矶,逐渐形成了一个浓密的带有臭味的,雾蒙的烟层。
- The dirty, still air covers Los Angeles like a blanket, gradually building up into a thick, smelly , foggy, smokelike layer. 尘污和静止的空气象一个罩子一样覆盖着洛杉矶,逐渐形成了一个浓密的带有臭味的,雾蒙的烟层。
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。
- During the intermission, let's go out for some fresh air. 幕间休息时,我们出去呼吸呼吸新鲜空气吧。
- The air held a foretaste of a storm. 天气有要括大风的迹象。