make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
be beautiful to look at
furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors
用作名词 (n.)
Unmarried women plait their hair into one or two tails, without much adorning. 未婚女子将头发编成一根或两根,没有过多的讲究和装饰物。
An eye winked open in the smooth ivory sphere adorning one bottom stairpost, and a mouth appeared in the other, speaking in the familiar dry, waspish tones of Grandmama Teshla. 一只眼睛眨着从楼梯底部一只光滑的象牙球形装饰物上睁开,一张嘴在另一只上出现,是苔什拉奶奶严厉尖刻的语气。