- The academic discipline of social policy was created in the late 19 th century. 社会政策学科创建于 1 9世纪后期。
- In China the study of social work is a newly emer ging academic discipline. 在我国,社会工作学是一门正在兴起并着手建设的新学科。
- The guilty party in this present state of affairs is not really the academic discipline. 有罪的一方,在目前这个国家的内政,是不是真正的学术纪律。
- Academic discipline is the soul of a university, the spiritual backbone of its subsistence and development. 摘要学风是一所大学的灵魂,是学校生存与发展的精神支柱。
- Culture is not an independent academic discipline, but a dimension and approach to disciplinary studies. 文化不是一个独立的学科,而是学科研究的切入点和突破口。
- No academic discipline can take from our shoulders the burden of difficult choices. 学术薰陶不能够从我们肩上减去作出困难抉择的重负。
- The author holds that the English education in such universities can only be further developed by strengthening academic discipline constriction. 作者认为,为了提高专业教学质量并凸现其办学特色,理工院校英语专业必须加强学科建设。
- Mathematics is a academic discipline integrating with strictness, logicality, accuracy, creativity and imagination. 数学是集严密性,逻辑性,精确性,创造性及想象力于一身的科学。
- Eugenics became an academic discipline at many colleges and universities, and received funding from many sources. 优生政策最先是在二十世纪初在美国开始实施。
- Economics is an academic discipline that explains in a rigorous way the various aspects of human behavior and social interaction. 经济学是用科学严谨的方法来解释多方面的人类行为和社会间相互作用的学问。
- Economics borders on other important academic disciplines. 经济学和许多其它学科相近。
- The development of an academic discipline is a dual dynamic process, consisting of both intellectual and institutional factors. 学科发展史是学科理智史和学科制度史的双重动态史。
- What is more, the study of an academic discipline gives us a new perspective and way of thinking when we perceive the world. 专业知识的学习能够提供给我们看待世界的一个新的观点和思维。
- Academic discipline provides us with various new methodologies to interpret our world, which reshapes our understanding of the reality. 学术课程提供我们各种各样的新的方法论去解释我们的世界,这形成了我们对现实的理解。
- By refuting ZHOU Ling'serrors and criticizing the academic discipline involved,thisarticle attempts to ensure a correct understanding of thefacts. 本文对周岭一文的误谬之处进行了逐条批驳,对此文涉及的学风问题进行了严正批评,希望能够以正视听。
- The study of ac academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes. 对于一门学科的研究会改变我们对世界的看法。在学习这门学科之后,我们看到的世界一如既往,但是我们本身的角度和眼光已然不同。
- The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world.After studying the discipline, we see the world as before, but with different eyes. 对于一门学科的研究会改变我们对世界的看法。在学习这们学科之后,我们看到的世界一如既往,但是我们本身的角度和眼光已经不同了。
- Zhang Xuecheng is the first scholar t ha t recognizes the determination of academic development by academic ethics and gi ves the study the importance of an academic discipline. 章学诚的学术伦理思想有其积极合理之处。 他第一次把学术伦理提升到决定学术发展命运的根本因素之一的位置 ,从而使学术伦理问题成为一个相对独立的研究专题。
- The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes. 对学术的研究改变了我们感知世界的方式。探究了这些领域之后,看同样的世界,却是不同的视角。
- This transition places us firmly in line with the international and Mainland China classification of ENT as an independent medical specialty and an established academic discipline. 国际及中国大陆均视耳鼻喉为一个独立的医学专科和学术范畴,新学系的成立,正好顺应这个趋势。