- By direct combustion of gas the small gas air conditioner can realize absorption refrigeration and heating. 小型天然气空调利用天然气直接燃烧,实现吸收式制冷和供暖。
- With the experimental results,analyzes the lithium bromide absorption refrigeration system more comprehensibly. 与实验结果分析相结合,使得对吸收式制冷系统的分析更加全面。
- After compared with single-grade aqua ammonia absorption refrigeration cycles, the feasible result to get root,s blower as supercharger was concluded. 通过与单级氨水吸收式制冷系统的比较,得出了可以以罗茨鼓风机作为增压器的结论。
- The TFE/NMP absorption refrigeration system can completely meet the demands of the refrigeration of fishing boats when the sea wind is not strong. 研究表明TFE/NMP吸收是制冷系统完全能够满足渔船制冷要求。
- The DMC-PID control algorithm is to supply references to the research of auto-control system of the mixed absorption refrigeration cycle. 该文提出的预测智能PID控制算法对吸收式制冷系统的自动控制系统的研发具有一定的实用价值。
- Absorption enhancement is an effective way to improve the performance and miniaturize the equipments of ammonia-water absorption refrigeration. 在提高氨水吸收式制冷系统性能及促进其设备小型化的过程中,对吸收过程进行强化是一种有效途径。
- This article describes the effects and problems, working principle and usage of lithium molybdate used as inhibitor for absorption refrigeration machine. 本文介绍了作为吸收式制冷机缓蚀剂的钼酸锂使用效果、使用问题、作用机理和使用方法。
- The conclusions drawn in this paper provide deterministic standard in considering whether to adopt the GAX cycle in ammonia-water absorption refrigeration. 所得结论为在实际氨水吸收式制冷系统中是否采用GAX循环提供了决策依据。
- In combination with the characteristics of lager-scale systems on LiBr absorption refrigeration,use the hot water of solar energy hot water units as heating source. 对溴化锂吸收式制冷机进行动态仿真可以了解其动态特性,进而实现优化设计,利于节能节材目标的实现。
- A solar ejector or absorption refrigeration system is usually driven by conventional energy unefficiently when solar energy is not enough to drive the system. 与传统的辅助能源应用方式相比,该辅助电压缩式制冷系统能更高效地利用常规能源,提高新型太阳能喷射制冷系统的综合节能效果。
- With an example, presents the design scheme and system control demands of floor heating system and hot-water LiBr absorption refrigeration system adopting solar energy. 结合工程实例,描述了太阳能应用于地板辐射供暖和热水型溴化锂吸收式制冷的设计方案及系统控制要求。
- The technology of the large-size LiBr absorption refrigeration is already very perfect, but the cooling load all are big and is not fitful for a situation of a small cooling load. 目前国内外的大型吸收式制冷装置技术已相当完善,但因制冷量均很大,不适合小冷量场合使用。
- The way of modeling and simulation of absorber can also be expanded to otherthermodynamic component such as generator, evaporator and condenser, which will bebasis of the static and dynamic modeling and simulation of absorption refrigeration system. 吸收器建模与仿真的思路和方法可以扩展到其它的热力部件如发生器、蒸发器、冷凝器之中去,从而实现吸收式制冷系统的稳态/动态建模与仿真。
- Hexavalent chromium as an anti-corrosion of the carbon steel cooling system in absorption refrigerators. 在吸收式电冰箱中作为碳钢冷却系统防腐剂的六价铬。
- absorption refrigeration technology 吸收式制冷技术
- Operation control and maintenance of lithium bromide absorption refrigerator were introduced. 阐述了溴化锂吸收式制冷机的运行管理与维护。
- In this dissertation, a direct-fired lithium bromide absorption refrigerator is chosen to be as the cold source. 本论文采用直燃型溴化锂吸收式制冷机制取冷量来作为空调系统的冷源。
- irreversible vapour absorption refrigeration system 实际蒸气压缩制冷循环
- wind power system hot absorption refrigeration 风力制热吸收制冷
- Keep perishable foods under refrigeration. 把容易变质的食物冷藏起来。