- abbr. Christian, 基督 Xn.
- 基督 Jesus (Christ)
- 耶稣基督 Jesus Christ
- 科氏葡萄球菌可导致Weber-Christian病患者多发性脑脓肿 Staphylococcus cohnii as a cause of multiple brain abscesses in Weber-Christian disease
- 基督山伯爵 the Count of Monte Christo
- 它涉及到艺术家Daniel Buren和Christian Drevet,他们谁是里昂德侯广场整修的作者。 It involved the artists Daniel Buren and Christian Drevet, who are the authors of the refitting of Place des Terreaux, in Lyon.
- 基督的 dominical
- abbr. 小大写字体(small capitals) s.c.
- abbr. (=P&L) Profit and Loss, 损益 P. and L.
- 克里斯蒂安·多普勒(Christian Doppler)是一位科学家和数学家,他探索并解释了后来被称为多普勒效应的现象。 Christian Doppler was a scientist and mathematician who explored and explained the phenomenon that has come to be called the Doppler Effect.
- abbr. 大规模杀伤性武器(=weapon of mass destruction) W.M.D.
- 基督城 Christchurch
- 但据因特网的主要创立者和开发者Christian Huitama称,依据路由的低效性和其他多种因素的悲观估计,地球每平方米上允许有1564个地址。 However, even a pessimistic estimate based on routing inefficiencies and a host of other factors still would allow 1,564 addresses per square meter of earth, said Christian Huitama, a key founder and developer of the Internet.
- abbr. =maitre d'hotel (=head waiter) [法]餐厅侍者总管 maitre d'
- 反基督 antichristianism
- abbr. 世界产业工人联盟(=Industrial Workers of the World) I.W.W.
- 我信仰基督。 I have faith in Christ.
- abbr. 地方检察官 D.A.
- 使徒,门徒尤指耶稣基督选出传布福音的十二个门徒之一 One of a group made up especially of the12 disciples chosen by Jesus to preach the gospel.
- 基督人格基督最重要的人格,在这人格里他的人性和神性结合 The essential person of Jesus in which his human and divine natures are united.