- abbr. 八月(=August) Aug.
- 第八个月是August The eighth month is August.
- 关于August的用法见April词条中的示例 For the use of august see the examples at april
- 版权所有 ?HLINKA-SOFT august 1999 Copyright ?HLINKA-SOFT August 1999
- 关於august的用法见April词条中的示例 For the use of august see the examples at april
- 八月时我们把家具搬到了都柏林。 In August we shifted our furniture to Dublin.
- abbr. 小大写字体(small capitals) s.c.
- abbr. (=P&L) Profit and Loss, 损益 P. and L.
- 炎热的八月 a flaming August
- 从七月中到八月中 from mid July to mid August
- abbr. 大规模杀伤性武器(=weapon of mass destruction) W.M.D.
- 七、八月间炎热的日子最多。 There is a preponderance of hot days in July and August.
- abbr. =maitre d'hotel (=head waiter) [法]餐厅侍者总管 maitre d'
- 19世纪法国实证主义哲学家孔德(August Comte)认为,知识可以分类为虚构的宗教知识、抽象的形而上学知识和科学的实证知识。 According the August Comte, a French positivism philosopher in 19th, knowledge can be divided into three catalogues: theological knowledge, metaphysical knowledge and positive knowledge of science;
- 七月和八月是雨季。 In July and August we have a rainy season.
- abbr. 世界产业工人联盟(=Industrial Workers of the World) I.W.W.
- 八月特有的气温 temperature proper to August
- abbr. 地方检察官 D.A.
- KOCH AUGUST G MASCHINENFABRIK是一家高水平的公司,该公司为您供应高质量的产品并从事转换过滤器,饮用水、使用水和废水净化,其它附件的制造和销售。 KOCH AUGUST G MASCHINENFABRIK offers Offers on Single filters, Switching filter and rewinding filter. Additionally also on Other fittings and Drinking, process and waste water purification.
- 香港仔至湾仔的巴士专用线,现正由一九九七年八月至一九九八年中分两期实施。 The bus-only lanes between Aberdeen and Wan Chaiare being implemented in two stages from August 1997 to mid-1998.