- Rifle on a mountaintop, Ive got you in my sights. 带着来复枪来到山颠,你就进入了我的视线。
- Rifle on a mountaintop, I've got you in my sights. 带着来复枪来到山颠,你就进入了我的视线。
- a mountaintop ranch 山顶上的大牧场
- After a seven-day flood, the vessel comes to rest on a mountaintop. 经过了7天的洪水,大船在一个山顶搁浅了。
- The photo was taken with a giant telescope on a mountaintop in Chile. 这张照片是在智利的一座高山顶上用巨型天文望远镜摄下的。
- Many people mark Chung Yeung by climbing hills in remembrance of an ancient Chinese family which escaped plague and death by fleeing to a mountaintop. 不少市民在重阳登山,纪念登高避难的古人。
- He is dreaming of owning a ranch in North America. 他正梦想着在北美洲拥有一片大牧场。
- You can trade from a beach bungalow or a mountaintop chalet, as long as you have a good Internet connection. 只要你有互联网连接,你可以在海边小屋交易,或在山顶木屋交易。
- The other species sees all the potentials inverted, and the mound becomes a mountaintop depression that holds them. 另一种粒子感受到的位能刚好反过来,那个中央底座成了山顶上的低洼处,可以补捉住它们。
- At that point, he may be living and trading on a mountaintop, and as often as not he owns the mountaintop. 也许当时他已经在山顶生活和交易了,通常他不会拥有这个山顶。
- A rectangular house of one story; a ranch house. 牧屋单层的长方形房屋; 牧屋
- At the rebuke of five you will flee, Until you are left Like a bare mast upon a mountaintop And a standard on a hill. 五人叱喝,你们都必奔逃,以致剩下的,好像山顶的旗杆,冈上的旌旗。
- Last spring,despite the efforts of environmental officials,crews cleared a mountaintop here that held several nesting sites. 去年春天,尽管环境保护官员做了努力,人们还是把这里的一个有着几个筑巢地的山头砍光了。
- Manu therefore built a boat which the fish towed to a mountaintop when the flood came, and thus he survived along with some "seeds of life" to re-establish life on earth. 从而摩奴建了一条船,大洪水来的时候,鱼把它拖到山顶上,这样他就和一些“生命的种子”一起生还了,在地球上重建生命。
- Last spring, despite the efforts of environmental officials, crews cleared a mountaintop here that held several nesting sites. 去年春天,尽管环境保护官员做了努力,人们还是把这里的一个有着几个筑巢地的山头砍光了。
- Few other cars on the road, 60 mph through constantly winding angled curves and a view from a mountaintop with few railings. 路上几乎没有什么其他车辆,在连接的环形街角开足60马力不踩刹车,在没有栏杆的山顶远眺。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。