- The American cultural ideal,which bears no relationship of any sort to American cultural reality,is a monogamous marriage between two virgins. 美国的文化理想是两个处子之间的一夫一妻制婚姻,这与美国文化的现实情况毫无关系。
- The American cultural ideal, which bears no relationship of any sort to American cultural reality,is a monogamous marriage between two virgins. 美国的文化理想是两个处子之间的一夫一妻制婚姻,这与 美国文化的现实情况毫无关系。
- a monogamous marriage 一夫一妻制的婚姻
- But a second contradiction thus develops within monogamous marriage itself. 但是,在一夫一妻制内部第二种对立也因此而发展起来了。
- That was precluded by the very nature of strictly monogamous marriage under the rule of the man. 在男子统治下的牢固的个体婚制的整个本质,是排斥这一点的。
- However, monogamous marriage did not by any means appear always and everywhere in the classically harsh form it took among the Greeks. 不过,个体家庭决不是在任何地方和任何时候都具有像希腊人中间所有的那种古典的粗野形式。
- With monogamous marriage, two constant social types, unknown hitherto, make their appearance on the scene -- the wife's attendant lover and the cuckold husband. 随着个体婚制,出现了两种经常性的﹑以前所不知道的特有的社会人物:妻子的经常的情人和戴绿帽子的丈夫。
- Together with monogamous marriage and hetaerism, adultery became an unavoidable social institution -- denounced, severely penalized, but impossible to suppress. 虽然加以禁止﹑严惩但终不能根除的通奸,已成为与个体婚制和杂婚制并行的不可避免的社会的制度了。
- Thus when monogamous marriage first makes its appearance in history, it is not as the reconciliation of man and woman, still less as the highest form of such a reconciliation. 可见,个体婚制在历史上决不是作为男女之间的和好而出现的,更不是作为这种和好的最高形式而出现的。
- Should we try a parallel experiment with polygamy and study its impact on children as compared with both gay marriage and opposite-sex monogamous marriage? 我们是否应当同时也对多配偶制进行试验,把它和同性婚姻和异性一夫一妻制婚姻进行对比,以便研究它对儿童的影响呢?
- The patient had been in a monogamous relationship for the past 30 years. 在过去30年中,病人保持一夫一妻关系。
- Monogamous marriage comes on the scene as the subjugation of the one sex by the other; it announces a struggle between the sexes unknown throughout the whole previous prehistoric period. 它是作为女性被男性奴役,作为整个史前时代所未有的两性冲突的宣告而出现的。
- I am speaking here, of course, only of those cases of monogamous marriage where matrimonial life actually proceeds according to the original character of the whole institution, but where the wife rebels against the husband's supremacy. 自然,我在这里所说的,只是个体婚制的如下一些场合,即夫妻生活确实是按照这整个制度的最初性质所体现的规则来进行,而妻子反抗丈夫统治的场合。
- He said his daughter was worried that they might have separated a monogamous couple. 他说他的女儿担心他们可能拆散了一对终生伴侣。
- And today I can add: The first class opposition that appears in history coincides with the development of the antagonism between man and woman in monogamous marriage, and the first class oppression coincides with that of the female sex by the male. 现在我可以补充几句:在历史上出现的最初的阶级对立,是同个体婚制下的夫妻间的对抗的发展同时发生的,而最初的阶级压迫是同男性对女性的压迫同时发生的。
- Many people are sexually active and have not committed themselves to a monogamous relationship, however. 然而,有许多人在性方面相当活跃而且不愿承诺一夫一妻制的伴侣关系。
- A happy marriage depends largely on give and take. 美满的婚姻在很大程度上取决于互敬互让。
- "She's a monogamous woman, because there's a lot of prejudice involved, and I want them (the viewers) to see someone that can be faithful. "她是一个忠于单配偶制的女人,因为存在很多偏见(应该是指一些人批评剧里的主角们常换情人),所以我想观众看到剧里有一个人对爱情可以很忠诚的。
- Lummaa is examining whether men continue to procreate into old age, although a monogamous culture such as Finland's argues against it. 卢玛正在调查男性是否到年老时还会继续生儿育女,但像芬兰这样一夫一妻制的文化表现出相反的结论。
- The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop. 他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。