- Their aim is to create an orderly, just and civilized society. 他们的目标是建立一个有序,公正而文明的社会。
- a just and civilized society 一个公正文明的社会
- The goal is to build a just and peaceful world. 目标是建立一个公正和平的世界。
- He is a just and unbending law-officer. 他是一名铁面无私的法官。
- He is a just and unbending judge. 他是一名铁面无私的法官。
- He was a just and sound rather than a learned judge. 他作为法官与其说学识渊博,不如说是在办案中比较公正和全面。
- We seek a just and peaceful world beyond the war on terror. 我们的目标是: 在防恐战争之外追寻一个正义和和平的世界。
- Such behavior is unacceptable in a civilized society. 这样的行为在文明社会里是不受欢迎的。
- It therefore hoped that it could rely on the multilateral support of government and civil society authorities. 因此,它希望能够依靠政府和民间社会当局的多边支持。
- These and other initiatives have reduced the crippling statist bias and extended the role of markets and civil society. 诸如此类的举措降低了对国家资本主义的有害偏好,扩大了市场与公民社会的作用。
- There is an urgent need to strengthen and accelerate the positive trends, and civil society can make the dif-ference. 我们急迫地需要加强并加速这些好的趋势,而公民社会正可以在这方面出力。
- Addressing social determinants of health inequities: what can the state and civil society do? 健康不平等的社会重要因素的选址:国家和公民社会能做什么?
- We have truly moved heaven and earth to find a just and peaceful solution. 我们真的竭尽全力想找一个公正和平的解决办法。
- She was in Jordan for a meeting of nongovernmental organizations and civil society groups. 她是在约旦参加一次非政府组织和民间社会团体会议的。
- This is the basic standpoint in theory of political state and civil society, and it is described scientifically by Carl. Marx. 国家与市民社会的发展趋势是国家将本来属于社会的权力还给社会,从而实现国家与市民社会的统一,这就是国家与市民社会理论的基本观点,是马克思对于国家与市民社会关系的科学描述。
- You have received a just reward. 你已得到了应有的报酬。
- The course aims at exposing students to a broad perspective and critical examination of the dynamic relationship between feminism and civil society. 本科旨在让同学接触更广阔的视野,批判地检讨女性主义与公民社会的互动与发展中的有关议题。
- I also told him that,in reality,many of DPP's founding leaders used to share the ideals of socialism and fought for a just and reasonable society,and many of them had been thrown into prison for that. 其实很多民进党的大老,以前都是有些社会主义思想,追求公平合理的社会,很多以前都被关过。
- John Braithwaite &Heather Strang.Introduction: Restorative Justice and Civil Society [ M ].Cambridge University, Press 2001.14. 张庆方.;恢复性司法--一种全新的刑事法治模式[M]
- The blue flag is respected because it is the symbol of people helping people build a just and sustainable world. 联合国的蓝色旗帜赢得了人们的尊重,因为这面旗帜是人人援助他人以建设公正和可持续的世界的象征。